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Jana: Anyway, we should check on what happened in Hermitcraft. (The screen showed the clip of the emperors reacting to their Hermitcraft skins.)

Joel: fWhip literally turned human and Jimmy's two blocks tall again and all Shelby and Scott care about is that they don't have their hats.

Jimmy: Hey, hats are very important to their wearers!

Gem: Yeah, Joel, learn to be sensitive about someone's hat!

fWhip: Hey, Sausage, do you know what I just realized?

Sausage: What?

fWhip: That we haven't thought of a hat pun once yet.

Sausage: Oh, yeah!

Gem(Throwing her wizard hat across the room to smack both of them.): That's what I think of your hat puns!

Sausage and fWhip: OW! Okay, okay, we'll stop.

Gem(Marching over and grabbing her hat before returning to her seat.): Good. And stay!

Jana: Anyway, the emperors and empresses all either moved in with a hermit who had extra space in their builds, built their own house, or both. (The screen played clips of the emperors and empresses moving in. the season 1 characters reacting all gave various compliments as to the sheer scale of Hermitcraft.) Anyway, then Grian organized a Secret Santa since it was Christmastime for everyone to participate in if they wanted to. Think of it like the tag game, only instead of getting a method you get the person, and instead of killing them you either choose to gift them or prank them.

Gem: Since it's called a Secret Santa, I'm guessing you don't tell the person who you get that they're your target.

fWhip: The way you worded that is kinda sus, Gem.

Gem: What? (The screen showed some clips of the emperors and empresses and hermits giving each other gifts and pranks.)

Katherine: Aw, that seems so fun.

Sausage: Yeah, I wanna join.

Joel: Tom? Why do I have another kid?

Jana: This version of Joel is Zeus-inspired. Do I have to say more?

Everyone: Nope.

Lizzie: Joel, I want a kid.

Joel: Lizzie, please not now.

Jana: Speaking of kids, Sausage got another one too.

Sausage: Wait, really? With who?

Jana: Pearl.

Sausage(Blushing.): Oh, oh... Pearl...

Gem(Noticing his face.): You're in love with her, aren't you Sausage?

Sausage: Um, maybe.

Jana(While the screen showed a picture of Sunny.): Anyway, Sausage made this lil cute robot child named Sunny for Pearl so that when he returned to Empires he could communicate with her through another version of Sunny that he later made on that side.

Shrub: Aw, cute!

fWhip: You know, something about all this makes me want to have kids.

Gem: Absolutely not, fWhip, I don't want to be an aunt who has to look after chaotic kids who will probably turn out as foolish as you.

fWhip: Mm, fine.

Jana: Now that you mention it, this life seems to have an overabundance of siblings while that one seems to have an overabundance of children.

Scott: What do you mean, too many siblings?

Jana(Counting on her fingers.): Scott and Xornoth, Lizzie and Jimmy, Gem and fWhip-

A couple of people: Okay, okay, I think I get your point.

Pix: We're on a tangent again.

Jana(Shrugging.): It happens. Anyway, the emperors and empresses were planning on staying in Hermitcraft longer, but certain events made them change their mind.

Katherine: Certain events? (The screen played the clip from multiple perspectives of the emperors finding out that the rift was now only a block tall and a block wide.)

A couple of people: Are you saying that they could have been stuck in Hermitcraft forever?!

Jana: Yes.

Lizzie: Joel!

Joel: What?

Lizzie: You didn't tell us the rift was closing!

Gem: fWhip, I thought you were at least responsible enough to warn us that we might be stuck in an alternate reality forever!

fWhip: That's not my job, that's Sausage's!

Jimmy: Scott, why did you go without telling us the rift was-

Scott(Pointing at Jana.): Don't ask me, ask her!

Jana: This version of Scott is more morally questionable is all I'm saying. But anyway, the emperors and empresses started saying their goodbyes and leaving. (The screen played the clips of the emperors and empresses saying goodbye to the hermits and leaving, and the clip of Sausage regaining his memories.)

fWhip: This is so wholesome I think I'm crying.

Sausage: I'm not crying, you're crying!

Gem: That's what he said, Sausage.

Shrub: So Sausage can remember all of his past lives now?

Jana: Yes.

Joel: Correct me if I'm wrong but that's not supposed to happen, right?

Jana: Uh-huh. Don't ask me how it happened, but my best guess is that it's because Sausage is Sausage.

A couple of people: Yeah, that seems about right.

Jana: Anyway, when they got home, the rift on the Empires side converted into a regular nether portal, and a couple of emperors raided Hermitopia for things that the hermits left behind.

Gem: fWhip, I don't need her to tell me that you're guilty.

fWhip: Gem, Gem, uh...

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