Settling them in

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Open in a comfortable room with a big screen in the middle and two couches arranged so whoever sat on it could see the screen clearly. A girl with white hair and clothes and blue eyes sat in one of the couches. She concentrated and immediately Lord Sausage, Wizard Gem, Count fWhip of the Grimlands, Shrub Berry, Emperor Joey, King Joel, Lady Katherine, Copper King, Ocean Queen, Scott of Rivendell, and Codboy were teleported into the couches in the room.  Needless to say, they all were extremely confused and agitated.

Joel: What the-

Lizzie: What happened?

fWhip: Uh, Gem, weren't we just on a dragon?

Sausage: It wasn't me this time, was it?

Joey: Someone has some explaining to do!

Shrub: Why are you wearing the crown again, Joey?!

Girl: Settle down, please.

Scott(Who was sitting right next to the girl and didn't realize.): Wha- who are you?

Girl: I'm Jana. I'm the one who teleported you here.

Sausage(Relieved.): Oh, so it wasn't me this time.

Gem: Teleported?

fWhip: You're magic?

Jana: Yes, I'm the person who handles reincarnation and delivering souls to their assigned afterlife.

Lizzie: Are we dead?

Jana: Not all of you.

Sausage(Jumping.): Ah! Pearl! Where is she? She-

fWhip: What happened to Pearl?

Jana: She uh...

Sausage: She's dead.

A lot of people: What?

Jana: Joey's dead too, just to be clear.

Joey: WHAT?!

Jana: And Joel.

Joel: Oh.

Jana: And Scott.

Scott: Don't ask.

Pix: Are you delivering us to the afterlife?

Jana: No, like I said, not all of you are dead.

Sausage: Then why are we here? Where's Pearl?

Jana: Pearl's the goddess of death now, she has work to do.

A lot of people: What?

Jana: Long story short, I asked her if she wanted the job while I collected her soul and she seemed fine with it. I really need help with this soul business.

Jimmy: So, uh, why are we here again?

Shrub: Stop, stop, stop! Before we do anything, we have to get that crown off Joey's head first! (Everyone's heads swivelled to see the Xornoth crown that Joey was still wearing.)

Gem: Why did you put it back on?!

Joey(Shouting.): Because fWhip and Jimmy destroyed my empire on purpose!

Jana: They did not, everyone's empires were destroyed because of the Rapture which was completely by accident.

fWhip and Jimmy(Sheepishly.): Sorry.

Joey(Shouting.): It's still your fault!

Jana(Concentrating.): Let's just get this over with. (Then Joey's crown disappeared and he blinked as his eyes turned back to normal.)

Joey: Oh. What did I do this time?

Jana: I'll help you remember. (She concentrated again and Joey blinked again, remembering everything.)

Joey: Oh. I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking!

Katherine: Do you need something to feel better?

Scott: Katherine, you're too nice.

Jana: That's not necessarily a bad trait.

Gem: It's a great trait.

Shrub: Well, if you get too nice, then you're basically a floormat for everyone to walk over.

fWhip: Um, hello? Aren't we supposed to know why we're here?

Jana: Yes, finally. You're going to learn about your next lives.

Pix: Our next lives? Why?

Joel: By the way, where have you been all this time, Pix?

Pix(Uncomfortable.): I'd rather not talk about it.

Jana(Skimming over this moment.): Anyway, I'm showing you all your next lives to basically help you all feel better. I mean, what with the Rapture and everything.

Sausage: Pearl's dead, Scott's dead, Joel's dead, Joey's dead...

Lizzie: I was losing my memories...

Jimmy: All those dead cod...

Scott: And Xornoth.

Jana: Please don't get too into detail. But yes, making everyone feel better.

Pix: All of us learn about everyone else's next lives? That seems rather redundant.

Jana: These next lives, which all happen in a thousand years from now, has everyone interacting with each other. Same generation, you know? Basically like this life.

Pix: Oh, I get it. But wait, if this is our next life, and we're here, how do you already know what happens?

Jana: I temporarily called up the past reincarnations of your souls for this, so you have all your memories up till the point I wanted.

A couple of people: Um...

Sausage: Makes perfect sense to me.

Jana: Anyway, I'll be answering questions and helping explain this next life. Most things will be up on screen. And whenever you say anything any videos will automatically pause so there won't be any confusion.

Scott: That's convenient.

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