The stuff near spawn

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Jana: Rift festival. Lots of things have been happening at spawn. Pix built this bridge, for one thing. (The screen showed a picture of the Great Bridge.)

Jimmy: Holy-


Jimmy: Is that a bad word?

Lizzie: Apparently.

Shrub: That bridge is humungous!

Joel: Good job Pixl.

Pix: Did I build all that?

Jana: Only the main bridge, you had blank spots for each of the emperors and empresses to put in something that they felt represented their empire. Sausage had a giant sword with free gifts around it, Shelby had a giant tree with a frog living in it and a hopper system to receive gifts, fWhip had a giant goblin statue that sold pork, Joey had a giant parrot with an eyepatch, Jimmy had a water tower, Stratos had this tiny floating island thing, False had a hot air balloon, and Scott had a llama statue with two llamas living around it named Crow and Mia guarding and hiding a secret entrance to a black market underneath the bridge.

Scott: Excuse me, but I had a what?

Jana: A secret black market hidden under the bridge guarded by two llamas named Crow and Mia, and by the way they're named that way because of a pun.

Lizzie: Crow and Mia. Crow-Mia. Chromia. I get it!

Jana: Also I can't seem to remember what the other emperors and empresses built on the bridge if they even did at all, although I recall Lizzie building something.

Joel: Scott built a secret market? Well why didn't I think of that?

Jana: The market was for selling items you can't in legal light, like stolen things, or other people's exports or lore items.

Lizzie: That seems rather handy.

Gem: But I thought Jimmy was supposed to be the Sheriff, shouldn't he stop this?

fWhip: Yeah, well, Jimmy's pretty incompetent.

Jimmy: I'm not!

A couple of people: You are.

Jana: Jimmy was the last person to learn about it, so he couldn't do anything until then. Anyway, back to talking about what's been happening at spawn, there was this cliffside next to it, and something odd appeared.

Katherine: What was it?

Jana(As the screen showed a picture of the rift.): A weird purple hole that looked like some kind of nether portal but it wasn't spawning out of obsidian and it was growing crystals around it too.

Sausage: If it's some kind of portal, where does it lead?

Jana: The emperors and empresses called it the rift, and it was a rift in reality that served as a portal to another world.

Shrub: Another world? You mean like the nether, or the end?

Jana: No, it was different. Sausage, can you help explain another dimension?

Gem: He is our resident multiverse expert.

Sausage: Well, some other worlds aren't like the nether or the end, some of them are like the Overworld but it's a different timeline, a different continuity, you know?

Joel: We don't know.

Jimmy(Moaning.): Sausage, your lore hurts. It actually hurts.

Jana: Well to elaborate, basically it's like another Overworld with its own nether and end and there are different people or different versions of people where events and circumstances are slightly or drastically different.

Pix: Okay, I think everyone gets it.

Sausage: Like that other world where that version of me blew up Rivendell for Scott freezing Gem.

Scott(Turning his head so fast to look that he cricked it.): Wait, what?

Sausage: Eh, don't ask.

Jana: Anyway, the rift lead to another world that was completely different from this one. Lizzie and fWhip sent the great explorers Gary and Sniff through to find out what was on the other side but they hadn't returned.

Katherine: Oh...

Jana: Anyway, I've caught you up to date, and now back to Oli. He set up a festival at spawn to help him earn enough to pay fWhip. He charged everyone five diamonds as entrance fee, and he even had Scott pay an extra five for this llama friend of his, Owen, that he was taking to see the festival with.

Joey: What?! But that was only a llama!

Jana: I know, Oli was just trying to earn more money. Shelby brought her toad familiar, Tortoise, but Scott warned her to not take him out in case Oli had her pay for him too. Anyway, just like with the bridge, the other Empires helped set it up. fWhip set up a hog race in memory of Sniff who was his hog mount's cousin-

fWhip: And just glazing over that fact but okay.

Jana: Can't anyone let me finish? Anyway, Lizzie put up a food contest stall where people could leave their best cooking and she would judge, as well as a fake fortune telling stall that she was using to scam people.

Scott: You really are the master of scamming people, aren't you Lizzie?

Lizzie: Mm-hm.

Joel: And you're just openly admitting that.

Lizzie: Mm-hm.

Jana: Katherine put up an archery range, Shelby had a drinks cart, False made this car that was also a head shop for player heads and mini blocks, Sausage opened a fighting pit, Oli set up a tent about himself to help explain his backstory to the emperors and empresses, and Joel made a toy shop that he says was just for Donkey Jeremy heads but was also secretly selling more Sheriff Jimmy toys.

Jimmy: Joel is never giving that up is he?

Jana: He actually stopped the joke after a while but other people continued it. Also, Pix didn't set up anything in particular but he helped other people with technical redstone.

Pix: That does sound like something I would do.

Jana: Anyway, now to see what happened at the festival. (The screen then showed a couple of clips of the festival from multiple perspectives until the point where Joey challenged Shrub over Katherine.)

Joey: Why am I being mean to Shelby? I thought we were allies.

Jana: You were, but then Sausage let slip that Shelby had a crush on Katherine and you got real jealous.

Gem: Sausage, stop gossiping.

Sausage: I can't help it, it's too fun!

Shrub: Wait, I had a crush-

Katherine: On me?

Shrub: I mean I was always good friends with her but I never dreamed-

Jana: Yeah, well, different life and everything. Anyway, back to the fight. (The clip continued until Joey lost and threatened to expose Shelby's secret until Katherine intervened and made the two of them make up.) Pity that alliance didn't last long either.

Pix: From what you're saying, it seems like a lot of alliances in this life change stability constantly. 

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