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Okay, I'm officially over my miraculous phase, and I will not be updating anymore one-shots or stories. However, I do have a lot of unfinished one-shots, and idea's in general, so I'm just going to put them down below. Some are longer then others, and I apologize for not finishing them but I don't really remember the plot I was going for. Also feel free to continue off of my unfinished stories if you can and publish it so I can read them :)

#1- Stabbed


Pain is all Marinette could feel.

There she was, sitting on her chase at 8:30 in the morning, wrapping her wound before school so she didn't have internal bleeding throughout the seven hours of hell. She had to laugh. As if all the emotional suffering wasn't enough, now she had to conceal physical pain as well. Oh, how the universe just loved to watch her suffer.

This isn't the first time Marinette had been stabbed, far from it, actually. But the other times were in battle, the adrenaline and her suit made the pain somewhat bearable. Plus, those only lasted a few minutes, saying as the magical ladybugs fixed everything, but now was a different story.

There was an Akuma attack late last night, and on the way home, Ladybug detransformed mid-way towards the bakery, forcing her to walk all the way home in her pyjamas because she didn't have food for Tikki. But it's not her fault, no one wakes up at 2 AM and thinks to shove cookies into their pyjamas before going off to fight villains.

But, of course, that wasn't all smooth sailing either; just 5 blocks away from the bakery, Marinette heard a noise in a nearby ally way and went to check it out. Big mistake, because the next thing you know, she was roughly pinned to a wall by four armed men with masks and creepy grins.

"What are you going out so late little lady?" the man pinning her down whispered in her ear, sending an ugly shiver running down her spin. He was defiantly that gang leader, his hood was different from the others; the other three stood not far behind giving her predatory grins. The noirette cringed as the hooded man seductively traced a gun from her neck to in between her thighs. Then imbecile started sucking on her neck, the plague of his disgustingly potholed teeth meeting her ivory skin. She felt disgusted. Marinette felt tears pooling in her eyes but didn't let them fall; the last thing she needed right now is feeling weak.

She screamed, begging for some prying ears to hear. It's hopeless. No one would be wandering Parisian streets at 4 in the morning, and after an Akuma attack nonetheless.

"I suggest you shut up if you want to keep your pretty little face alive doll."

That's it; she had enough. Usually, she liked playing under the radar, but this was an emergency. She knew she could take these men alone. The only problem is that they were armed, and anything could happen. But the noirette didn't have time to deal with the consequences, she saw red as the man's crusty thumb came in contact with the waistband of her silk shorts.

He traced his hand up, ready to pull down the spaghetti straps from her shoulders when she grabbed his hand, instead. Pushing it away, making him loosen his grip just enough for her to escape his grasp. He stepped back, looking shocked before his is face sneered in anger. He charged towards her, and she punched him in the gut, took him by the wrist, and pinned him against the wall.

"You'll regret that, princess!" Another man charged at her with a knife. As she moved away, he lost momentum and nearly stabbed his boss when he overstepped the mark. Her reflection caught someone else punching her, and she smirked and blocked it. The goons' eyes widened for a brief moment before he found himself on his knees, arms twisted behind his back as he groaned in pain.

"What do you get out of harassing woman, you jerks!" the heroine exclaimed, she punched his jaw once, twice, and the third time he was knocked unconscious. In her brief moment of victory another of the jackasses threw a punch to her gut, effectively causing her to stumble back, not expecting it. He went to punch her jaw, but the bluenette caught his hand and countered, breaking his nose with a satisfying crack.

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