Season 2 - Episode 08: Winners and Losers

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"One, two, three!" Slate counted aloud, then swung his clasped hands upward, catapulting Cryote into the air. He and April then dashed out from behind their hiding place.

"Seriously? Didn't you judge me for throwing Rodenki that time?" April huffed.

"Yeah, that was totally crazy!" Slate responded. "But desperate times..."

"What the...?" said the nearest Team Shade grunt in surprise when he spotted them running toward him. He had other problems, though. From above, Cryote released a booming Echoed Voice directly at him, which blasted the man off his feet before he knew what was happening.

While April headed off in Rodenki's general direction, Slate stopped briefly to release the netted Miltank, then proceeded to the next nearest suit. "Oi, loser!" he yelled, then unclipped Eevee's capsule from his belt, took aim, and pitched the ball as hard as he could.

The bony-faced man spun around just in time for Eevee's ball to smack him square in the face before releasing the Pokémon within.

Eevee bleated happily as it took form, while its Silph Ball zoomed back to Slate. "Eevee, these guys are stealing Pokémon!" said Slate. "Quick Attack!"

Eevee gave a menacing yet adorable growl, dug its paws into the grass, and sped at the Team Shade member like a cannonball.

The man buckled over as the fluffy Pokémon plowed into his abdomen. He lost hold of his net and dropped to the floor, nursing a bloody nose, and gasping for air.

"Good job, Eevee! Now keep him away from the Miltank!"

Across the field, another yellow flash followed April's command, "Rodenki, Thundershock! Zunshin, Double Team!"

Slate smiled momentarily, safe in the knowledge that April had indeed learned something at the Pokémon School. Behind him, Cryote growled dangerously at their first target, who was crying out now.

"Parker, help! I didn't sign up for this!" he cried as Cryote planted a Bite on his leg.

"What's going on over there?" Slate heard the indigo-haired man reply. "Dawkins, Conway, what are you two doing? Jarvis, get up! Who are these kids?"

The jig was up. But Slate wasn't finished. With one man down, April handling another, and Cryote and Eevee keeping the remaining two occupied, he sprinted toward their leader.

Parker was taller than Slate and looked to be in his mid-twenties. Unlike the besuited clones, his spiky blue hair, untucked shirt, and lack of tie gave him the casual air of a rock musician. When Slate reached him and threw an adrenaline-fueled punch, the man dodged effortlessly and tripped him.

"Who do you think you're messing with, kid? I'm not like these part-timers. I'm an agent!" said Parker, pointing to his black jacket's white 'S' insignia.

Rising immediately, the boy replied, "I don't care who you are or what evil gang pyramid scheme level you're at! Leave these Pokémon alone or—"

"Or what?" the man interrupted.

Slate reached for his Poké Belt but instantly regretted it when Parker made the same motion. His opponent had two Silph Balls on his belt but surely had capable Pokémon inside them. Slate, on the other hand, had three, all completely untrained. Still, while his strongest Pokémon were busy, Crimsant seemed like his best option right now, assuming it obeyed him.

"Take care of this, Mystyke!" ordered Parker, releasing a small black and pink Pokémon with big violet eyes, tiny horns, and a devilish grin.

It looked familiar to Slate. *Ping.*

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