Season 1 - Episode 04: Lone Wolves

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"Okay. I should head back now. I left the house in a rush—I don't think I even locked the door before I left," said Slate.

"Before you leave. Here," the professor offered, loading a grocery bag with a selection of non-perishable food items from one of the more accessible kitchen cabinets. "I'm not much of a cook, but we can't have you going hungry tonight."

"Thank you. For everything," Slate replied as they all shuffled out of the kitchen and towards the front door. "I guess I'll see you in the morning."

"See ya," April said.

"See you, Slate," Professor Larch added and closed the door behind him surreptitiously.

Slate walked from the apartment and down the stairs. It was dark out now. The empty street was lit only by the surrounding streetlamps. He was suddenly hit by the reality of his situation. He was alone in a place he knew nothing about, possibly a dangerous place, and he had no idea how long it would be for. Professor Larch seemed to believe that his mother would reappear in a day or two, but what if she didn't? What if he never saw his mother again?

Slate shook his head vigorously, banishing the thought from his mind, and began the journey back to the new house. For all he knew, his mother had already returned and was waiting there, worried about where he was. This thought comforted him, and he picked up his pace.

Slate made his way back to the high street via a different route, noting the hillside he had descended earlier in the distance and heading towards it. Soon, he emerged from the rows of houses, took the road out of town, and began the journey back up the hill. It was too steep to climb the way he had slid down it, so he resigned to take the long, winding road, wishing he had a bike or car.

About halfway up, dripping with sweat, Slate noticed a dark shadow in his path and approached it cautiously. On closer inspection, he realized it was a Pokémon with matted, dark-gray fur on its body but white on its face, and it looked to have fainted. Slate hurried to its side, dropping his grocery bag of food, and rummaging through his new, partially packed Trainer bag for something that could help. Upon finding a pocket full of Oran Berries, which he recalled had healing properties, Slate knelt and offered one to the unmoving creature.

He was relieved when it sniffed at the berry and opened its eye slightly. However, in a flash, the Pokémon kicked up a pile of dirt and sand into Slate's face, leaped over the boy as he was momentarily blinded, and kicked him in the back of the head with its hind legs. Slate groaned as he attempted to get to his feet and clear the debris from his face.

Out of one eye, he watched incredulously as a second of the unknown Pokémon appeared and attempted to help its compatriot drag the grocery bag of food into a nearby bush. "Hey!" Slate yelled defiantly before rushing forwards to grab the bag back.

One of the creatures broke away, bared its fangs, and hissed menacingly. Slate stopped in his tracks and bit his lip in frustration, unsure of what to do next. Then, he remembered what else he had in his new bag—his Pokédex.

He retrieved the red Smart-Rotom Phone and pointed its camera at the unfamiliar beast. Details flashed up on its screen, it made a high-pitched *ping*, and a voice recited some of the information.

SPECIES: #012 Mardupe
DERIVATION: Marsupial + Dupe
COLORING: Dark Gray / Black / White
TYPE: Dark
ABILITIES: Pickpocket / Insomnia / Defiant
DETAILS: This Pokémon is known for employing underhanded tactics to procure food from unwitting Trainers. Its most commonly employed tactic is playing dead, but few fall for this obvious ploy.

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