Season 2 - Episode 06: Happy Returns

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Slate continued to stare dumbfoundedly at the words on his Pokédex screen, "New Pokémon registered to the Pokédex." After falling into the larva pit, he dropped his Silph Ball. While busy escaping, it had evidently taken in the first Pokémon it came into contact with. In the space of five minutes, he had caught two new Pokémon—that were weak enough to capture without battling—by accident.

Returning his gaze to the larva nest, Slate shuddered at the thought of retrieving the ball, which sat atop the center of the pulsating swarm. Having previously been empty, it hadn't yet been magnetized to his Poké Glove, so he was tempted for a moment to abandon it. However, he knew he couldn't do that. It would be totally irresponsible.

On the upside, the Silph Ball had a Bug-type inside it, meaning he could get the heck out of Hazell Woods without losing face. April would surely have something to say about his new catch, but at least he wouldn't be facing her empty-handed. Realizing that he wasn't exactly sure what his new catch was, Slate consulted his Pokédex.

SPECIES: #038 Larvoid
DERIVATION: Larva + Void
COLORING: Pale red
ABILITIES: Swarm / Huge Power / Overcoat
DETAILS: While it shares its physical appearance, behaviors, and habitat with multiple Bug-type Pokémon native to Nutera, it was recently classified as a distinct species. Pokéologist are still investigating their connection.

"Larvoid, huh?" he muttered aloud, confirming the previously unidentifiable creature's name and information. The Pokédex entry image showed it to be light red in color, but it was otherwise identical to any one of the wriggling bugs in the pit, which appeared to also come in pastel shades of blue, yellow, and green.

Slate sighed as he reattached his Pokédex to his bag strap. He needed to collect his capsule somehow. He searched the brush for an errant branch or something to extend his reach. Finding no such tool, he resigned himself to lowering back into the nest. Thankfully, he was spared this humiliation when Cryote leaped into the pit.

"Cryote, wait," Slate started, worried for the pup, but it landed gently on the squishy pond of larva Pokémon. It moved to the center of the mass easily as if jumping on a bouncy house, then took the purple ball between its teeth. Happily wagging its bushy white tail, Cryote dutifully returned the ball to its master, who was put in mind of a bizarre game of fetch.

"Good boy!" said Slate, gratefully scratching Cryote behind the ears as he accepted the capsule. "Right, now let's get out of here! I don't suppose you can find the way back to the path? It should be in that general direction if you can track the way I came by my scent."

Slate wasn't sure this would be possible, but Cryote stepped forward and began sniffing the air. A few moments later, it set off at a trot, and Slate followed. Within twenty minutes they arrived at the place where he had left the path. "Remind me to get you a treat!" he said, to which Cryote barked loudly.

They jogged along the path from that point, passing several Trainers along the way who looked as if they might want to battle. Slate was eager to put the experience behind him and get to a shower, so he purposely avoided making eye contact. Upon reaching the entrance to the woods, he slowed down and walked the rest of the way to the Pokémon Center, speculating aloud about what sort of treat Cryote might want.

As Slate sounded off suggestions, he recalled the taste of the donuts from his last visit to Hazell Town. His stomach rumbled as his mouth filled with saliva. He was suddenly in the mood for a treat too, and no wonder given it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon. He had been in Hazell Woods for almost four hours and had skipped breakfast that morning.

Pokémon Slate GrayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang