Season 2 - Episode 04: Leveling Up

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Before he knew it, walking as fast as his legs would carry him, Slate had reached the Almony Island ferry port. It wasn't until Eevee purred with concern after they boarded and took their seats, that he realized his birthday gift was still clutched tightly in his palm. He opened his hand and observed the spherical stone while flexing his white fingers to return the blood flow. As the sunlight touched its smooth surface, it shimmered with pastel shades of pink and blue.

Slate couldn't help but ponder his mother's words. "Just a little something for luck," she had said as she bestowed the gift upon him. Just how lucky could the gem be, though? After all, of its two previous owners, one was dead and the other had recently returned from an abduction with an incurable illness.

Still, he had always liked the multi-colored jewel, and not just because of its luster. Seeing it displayed around his mother's neck kept memories of his father, who had sported the gem before her, fresh in his mind. It meant a lot for his mother to entrust him with it, especially since he had expected it to pass to Jet at some point. So, Slate unfastened the chain's clasp and fixed it securely around his neck.

"What do you think," he asked Eevee, forcing a grin, and resolving to snap out of his melancholy mood.

"Buiiii!" Eevee bleated approvingly.

"Mommy, look, an Eevee!" Slate heard someone say. "Can I stroke it?"

Slate turned around as a round-faced female passenger with a bob haircut told a little boy no older than seven, "It might not like that, Charlie."

"It's okay, Eevee's friendly," said Slate, the mother and son duo reminding him of better times.

With a nod from his mother, the boy popped out of his seat excitedly. "Oh wow! I want an Eevee when I'm big enough to be a Trainer," he said while gently petting Eevee's fluffy coat. "My sister said I can't have one because they don't live here. How did you get one?"

"Ah, well, me and Eevee just moved here from the Kanto region," Slate explained. "Are there any Nuteran Pokémon that you like?"

"I like Rodenki!"

"I like Rodenki too," Slate agreed, thinking fondly of April's cute partner. "Have you heard of Cryote?"

The boy shook his head.

"Want to see something cool?"

The boy grinned and nodded eagerly.

Slate fished out his black, fingerless Poké Glove. Now seemed as good a time as any to try out Professor Larch's invention for the first time. He put on the glove and unclipped the first Silph Ball from his Poké Belt, expanding it with a click of its button. He felt the magnetic effect apply to the ball immediately.

"Come out and play, Cryote," said Slate, tossing the ball into the air with some force. The pup was released with a flash of white, and the ball automatically returned to Slate's outstretched hand as if pulled by an invisible wire.

"Wow, cool! Look, Mommy!"

Slate watched, his spirits lifted, as his Pokémon and little Charlie chased each other around the deck until the ferry reached the mainland.

As they disembarked and began the short walk up to Hazell Town, Charlie's mother said, "Thank you, you made his day."

"No problem. Eevee and Cryote enjoyed themselves too," Slate replied. "You wouldn't happen to know the best way to get to Pistachion City, would you?"

The woman considered this for a moment. "Well, you can get a bus from the station, just up here on the left, but it fills quickly at this time of day and doesn't run very often. Otherwise, the quickest way is through Hazell Woods. It's about a three-hour walk if you follow the path. Less if you don't, but lots of wild Pokémon live in there, so I wouldn't advise it."

Pokémon Slate GrayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang