Season 2 - Episode 01: Gray Matters

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The first few days after returning home from Pistachion Hospital were rough on Slate

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The first few days after returning home from Pistachion Hospital were rough on Slate. It wasn't just having to deal with his mother's memory all but disappearing every fifteen minutes or so. It was watching the strong, confident woman he knew becoming a shell of herself. The determined mother that had raised two boys alone after their father's untimely death, while supporting them all as a journalist of some renown, was fading away before his eyes.

Even in her lucid state, Heather would dwell on her condition, worrying about the things she had done or said moments before. Then, it would start all over again. She would forget where she was, who Slate was, sometimes even who she was, and begin to panic. On three separate occasions, she had fled the house while Slate was asleep or in the bathroom. Oddly, the only memories that seemed to remain steadfast in Heather's mind were those of her other son, Jet.

Slate tried not to let this bother him. He told himself that it was surely a good thing that she remembered something—anything—during her regular memory lapses. In truth, though, the fact that his mother couldn't identify the son standing right in front of her, caring for her in her time of need, but could remember his older brother... Well, it stung.

It was typical, of course. Who could forget Jet Davy with his perfect grades, his shiny sports trophies, and his hordes of friends and admirers? He even had fans now, if the article he had emailed before Slate and his mother had left Kanto was anything to go by. Jet Davy, "the number one rookie to watch," according to the Kanto Times, was supposedly causing quite a stir in the competitive Pokémon scene.

Slate wasn't bitter, though. Okay, maybe he was a little envious of his brother's natural talent and popularity, and the air of "coolness" that he couldn't hope to emulate, but the current situation had stirred up old resentments. Truthfully, he didn't even dislike Jet...exactly.

Jet was actually a very likable guy. That was part of the problem—if you could call it that. Everything always seemed to come so easily for him. His light shined so bright that it cast a shadow over the introverted Slate, who most people in their lives knew as "Jet's little brother".

Slate knew deep down that his sibling rivalry issues were more of a one-sided problem, but there was a part of him that had seen the move to Nutera—the part that hadn't fought it as hard as he could have—as a chance to finally step out of Jet's shadow. It was supposed to have been an opportunity to prove himself. Ironically, it may have done just that, only not in the way Slate had hoped.

After everything that had occurred since their arrival and Slate's perceived failings, he couldn't help but wonder if Jet's presence was necessary. If not because his brother was the only person their mother could remember clearly, then because he would be better suited to carrying out the mission she had entrusted to Slate.

Slate had made a promise to his mother, and later one to himself, but he couldn't see how he could leave her alone in her current state. Jet was an experienced Trainer now, not to mention an adult. If one of them was to attempt to expose the misdeeds of a dangerous criminal organization, Jet was surely the better candidate for such a task.

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