Season 2 - Episode 07: Betting the Farm

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Slate fixed his eyes on the bakery's sandwich case. He wasn't really paying attention to the different filling options, though.

"Oh, come on. You're not talking to me now?" April asked him as they moved to the head of the queue. "Sorry if I upset you."

"I'm not upset," Slate protested. "I just don't believe you."

April frowned and crossed her arms. "Well, I didn't lie, if that's what you're saying?"

"You might not be lying, but I refuse to believe any Pokémon is 'a dud.' Bug-types have some of the best examples of Pokémon evolution. I've actually seen Caterpie in our old garden turn into Metapod, then emerge from their chrysalis as Butterfree. It wouldn't make sense for a Pokémon like Larvoid not to evolve."

"Sorry, but it doesn't. That's where its name comes from; being devoid of inner potential."

Slate didn't respond to April's explanation, afraid that it made sense. On top of that, the fact that the other customers had been laughing along at his expense was telling. Larvoid's lack of evolution did seem to be, as April had said, 'common knowledge' in Nutera.

He himself had been dubious of Larvoid when he caught it unintentionally. However, he figured that with some training, that would change. His heart sank when he thought of his other new catch, the crying bird Pokémon. What if Uglay was 'a dud' too?

Feeling his mood worsen, Slate was tempted to slap both hands to his cheeks as he did on occasion. He refrained, sure that his odd habit would make him look like a weirdo in front of others, and sure that April would judge him for it. Instead, he paid closer attention to the patisserie case, looking for something sweet to brighten his mood.

When their turn finally came, Slate relayed his selection to the woman behind the counter; a chicken and bacon baguette, two bags of chips, a bottle of orange juice, a chocolate chip cookie, and two donuts, while April added a single donut to the order.

"Hungry, are you?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes," said Slate indignantly, happy in the knowledge that April was paying, but he broke into a smile when she eyed him suspiciously. "One of the donuts is for Cryote if that makes me look like less of a Munchlax."

"Fine, fine, if that's what it takes to cheer you up... It is your birthday, after all," April said as she pulled a ten Poké Dollar note from her purse. "You know you don't have to feed Pokémon, right? The healing cycles at the Pokémon Centre refresh their energy reserves and keep them full."

"I know, but I promised him a treat."

"For what?"

Slate recalled his earlier adventure in Hazell Woods, unsure of how to reply without embarrassing himself.

Before he could concoct something, April exclaimed, "Slate, look who it is!"

He looked up as a young girl with brown pigtails walked through a door behind the counter. "Mommy, I'm going now," she said.

The woman serving them leaned down to give her daughter a kiss.

"Lucy, hi!" said April.

"April! Slate!" replied Lucy excitedly.

"Oh, are these the Trainers you mentioned a while ago?" said Lucy's mother.

"Yeah, they saved me from the Mardupe and helped protect the big tree!" Lucy explained as she ran around the counter with a new picnic basket in hand, no doubt full of food to feed her wild Pokémon friends.

"You know, when Lucy told me about what you two did for her, I wasn't sure whether to believe her story," her mother admitted as she finished putting their order together. "But if you really helped my daughter, please allow me to thank you. This is on the house!"

Pokémon Slate GrayWhere stories live. Discover now