Alicia (21)

298 18 1

A/N: I saw some old readers commenting so have another chapter! Nice to see you all again!

"God! What an awful woman!!"

Berry was overstimulated, recollecting the events that had happened.

She took one makeshift pillow and threw in on the ground.


"Say, system. Who is this Berry?"

Why doesn't she exist in the original storyline?

Eliza scoured her head for it but a Berry didn't make an appearance.

System too was full of doubt.

[Well, a possible explanation is that the world created Berry. After all, you're supposed to be the ML's godsister. And everything was going well but then erm Eliza-sama- you ran away. So perhaps the world needed to substitute a sister character to replace you in the story so it can keep the balance.]

"That sounds... ridiculous."


I knew you've never understood my genius.

Eliza lazily laid on the comfy chaise as she circled her dainty finger round the floor, picking up pieces of puzzle and then dropping them down again.

She twirled the puzzle silently and then chuckled.

"It's funny how our dear FL-san went away leaving behind a dog. Then this Berry is suddenly possessed by the holy mother aura of a female lead."

Eliza turned to face the ceiling.

"Is it that the ML is like a curse? Turning all
Females near him into female leads or vicious partners?"

No no. Eliza placed one finger down.

"The first world isn't counted."

"The second world- i... became FL-san?"

Eliza shuddered.

[Eli, I feel like you're forgetting something important.]

"No, I'm not. First world is test world and second world is fake world."

[No, Eli.]

"Yes, I'm sure- so"



[you open the door.]


'No, you!'


[I don't have hands]



Alicia opened the door and as expected, a handsome face greeted her- silent and solemn, standing with one hand on the door frame.

She smiled gently, putting away all arrogance.

"Ah yes, ML... I meant meltingly handsome one? What are you doing at my door at such a late time?"

The sweet cloying tone that made Eliza sound so unlike her caused System to electronically gag slightly.


'Shut up!'

Alicia smiled brightly then remembered that he was blind so zap, went the smile away.

"Well, my beeutifool lovely guest, one needs to rest, good night~"

And Alicia closed the door.

'Well, good riddance.'

[That was terrifying. Henry sans sight is still terrifying.]


The door opens again to Henry's solemn face.

[You forgot to lock the door didn't you.]

'You forget. This is makeshift fort for a house full of girls. We didn't make locks.'

Alicia smiled gently.

Then remembered he was blind and zilp, took the smile back.

"I'm busy. Please find me tomorrow..."

Alicia cringed slightly as she realised that it was hard to sound happy without smiling, and grimaced awkwardly.


She shut the door but a hand blocked her again.

'This 6}^+<_*^%*%af!!!'


'I prepared for this, don't worry.'

"I... didn't want to tell you this." The Melodious voice drops to reveal a tone of shyness.

"But I'm in the middle of something... with..." cough cough

Alicia shyly took a step back, coyly and slyly closing the door.

"So, guest sama, if you don't mind, please-!!"

Again the hand blocked her.

A low voice interrupted her string of inner curses.

"Well, Alicia "sama"."

The man bent lower so that his lips seemed to flit on her ear.

"I do mind... so please... show me...who?"

He spoke breathlessly, but System could even a cold tingle rumbling up his non existent spine.

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