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I was running to the museum, trying to hurry. If that man really wanted to steal something, I had to stop him. I ran and found him at the gate.

Magnus: Stop right there!

Storm: Ah, long time no see, mister 'I don't trust you' have you found your friend?

Magnus: Step away from the museum and out of my life.

Storm: Oh, my! A bit unwelcoming, are we? Fortunately, you are what I expected. And I am what you expected.

Magnus: What is that supposed to mean?

The man laughed and in the mask that he was wearing shined in the moon light.

Storm: You know, I usually get paid for the small tasks that I let me ask you, what is the most precious thing that you have?

Magnus: Bakugan brawling is everything for me! Now stop being a coward and come fight me!

The man laughed and pulled out a white rose.

Storm: In that case...I will steal bakugan battling from you!

He threw the rose at me and it exploded in a cloudy smoke that gathered around me. I felt my eyes burning and my vision became blurred.

Magnus: What is happening!?

Storm: I stole everything from you.

He than started laughing as my vision became black. I felt everything around me, but I could not see. I panicked, but I knew that Storm ran away, so I got up and started walking in only one direction, hoping that I would find something familiar.

*Jamina'sPOV *

I was watching the night sky from a tall building, when I heard some noises and barks. I looked down, amazed to find Magnus in front of a dog. It wasn't AO's dog. It was a stray. So, I jumped down and the dog ran away. When I turned to Magnus, I was horrified to notice that his eyes were grey and he looked like he fought with someone.

Magnus: W-who's there?!

Jamina: Magnus? Its me?

Magnus: Jamina? Oh thank god!

He lunched forward, catching me in his grip.

Jamina: Oh! Ok...?

Magnus: I thought...he did something to you...

Jamina: Who?

Magnus: Storm. He did some weird trick to make me blind!

Jamina: Blind!?

I took his face in my hands and looked closely. He really was blind. But fortunately, it wasn't permanently.

Jamina: Ok, I need to make sure you are ok, so come on.

I grabbed his hand and walked along the road. He followed me and I looked at him. He grew up from our last meeting. He was taller than me and his eyes were tired. He was also going after me without questioning. Also, the grip from his hand was tight around my own...but not because he was afraid to get lost...because he was afraid not to lose me. We arrived at the small apartment that I had. I opened the door and led him to my bed. The apartment had a bedroom, a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom. So it wasn't that small. But I had no time to think. I quickly made him sit down before rushing to the bathroom and bringing back some wet cloths.

Jamina: Don't move, ok?

I started by gently looking at the ripped flesh on his arm and noticed that the tattoo disappeared. He shivered a bit when I started to disinfect the wound and I saw him biting his own lips.

Jamina: Dose it hurt?

Magnus: No...but are you hurt?

I looked at him.

Jamina: No.

Magnus: You're lying. I can tell from your moves. If I am not mistaken, there is a wound on your right wrist.

I looked down at my wrist. The place where I burned myself a few days ago.

Jamina: are correct.

He took my hand and felt the burn. It was such a calming touch, that I wanted to melt in it.

Magnus: How?

Jamina: Tried to boil water. Dropped some on me.

He slightly turned his face to me.

Magnus: Why were you trying to boil water?

Jamina: Doesn't matter. Now stay still.

But he grabbed my hands, preventing me from moving.

Magnus: Answer my question. 

AN: Sorry, its kind of short. I am currently working on another story and its taking quite a lot, but fear not, i will finish this story. Also, i just now realized that i only found one or two stories in which Magnus is with a girl. What is wrong with you, people?! He deserves one! (I am saying this as a joke, of course) Anyways, have a pleasant time, and good luck!


728 words

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