Geting to know each other

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Magnus's POV:

"My Jamina" she said with a weak tone. She looked almost like she was about to pass out. I tried moving to her, but she scooted closer to the wall, almost like she was afraid of what I might do to her. She wore a black suit that covered her shoulders, but left her arms exposed. When I took a closer look, I noticed that she had bandages all over her arms and some of them were stained with blood. I was about to ask her about it, but the truck stopped, causing us to almost bump into the ground. The doors opened and some guards got us out. She let out a small whimper when the guards touched her hands, but I think I was the only one to hear it.

Guard 1: Okay, let's take you two to your rooms, or should I say "cells"!

He than grabbed the chains that were around my hands with one hand, and with the other, he took the chain that was attached to the girl's metal cube. When we started walking, I noticed that she was leaping a bit and was struggling to walk. We reached a metal door and the guard turned around. He released my hands, then opened the cube. I didn't managed to see what her hands looked like, because the guard tossed us inside the small room that looked just like a prison cell, but it was completely white.

Guard 1: We'll see you two later!

He than closed the door and we were left alone. I turned around and I was shocked of what I saw. She had metal claws that covered her fingers. It looked like she was hurt because there was blood dripping from her hand. I moved closer to her and reached my hand trying to help her, but she jolted away, her back hitting the wall.

Jamina: N-no! Stay away from me!

She shouted, then raised her hand in a protective move.

Magnus: Woah, hey, take it easy! I'm not going to hurt you...just let me take a look at that wound.

She looked at me scared, then she let her hand down. I grabbed her by the wrist, and I noticed that she flinched but kept still. It was just a small cut that she had on her hand, but I still grabbed a piece of tissue from my pocket and wiped away the blood. When I finished, I looked at her claws. I had to admit, I had never seen such amazing details on anything before.

Jamina: Thank you...

Magnus: No problem, but this? (I pointed at her claws)

Jamina: To answer your question first I should start with the beginning...

She looked at me and I nodded for her to continue.

Jamina: I-I have never told this to anyone so I would appreciate if you wouldn't talk about it...please?

Magnus: Yes, of course. I won't tell anyone.

Jamina: Okay, so I was basically... kidnapped at twelve by a really messed up scientist that was trying to combine bakugan with humans...I was one of the five subjects that he was using...and I think the only one that survived. He combined me with some sort of dragon and that's why I have these (she showed her claws). Also, that bakugan gave me some super abilities like telekinesis, healing, very good combat skills and I can talk to bakugan like everyone else. At first, I thought that the doctor would let me go after he finished his project, but soon I realized that he was using me and that he wanted to make more experiments like me. I didn't liked what was going on, so I tried escaping. Of course, with powers like mine it was quite easy but than he started using...other methods to control me (her hand started playing with some bandages). But not even that was enough, and it started getting more and more...violent.

She finally stopped talking and looked down.

Magnus: Wait, what do you mean "more violent"?

Jamina: At a point where he would hurt me even if I did nothing wrong.

She hugged herself and I think I never saw anyone more depressed in my life.

Jamina: What about you? What is your story?

Magnus: name is Magnus...and I battle with my bakugan, but I have some questions. First, why didn't you returned to your parents, and how did you get here, also how old are you?

She chuckled a bit.

Jamina: Well...they erased my memory, so I only remember shadows or pieces of them. My boss made a deal with Philomena, so she basically "bought" me...and I'm 15.

(AN: Magnus is 16)

Magnus: Okay, but how exactly dose he "control" you?

Her hand reached for her collar squeezing it slow.

Jamina: He has a remote that can send electrical pulses through my entire body, and it can also choke me...

I looked at her. I don't think I ever cared this much about anyone except Emily...but she really looked like she needed all the help she could get. I was about to say something, when we heard footsteps along the hall. She jumped up and moved closer to the back of the room.

Jamina: I think they realized that you shouldn't be here, so I think this is goodbye. Thank you...Magnus...for everything.

She smiled at me right before the door opened and Philomena entered with a remote in her hand. She pushed a button and Jamina winced in pain. There was a blue light that came from her collar and then she collapsed on the ground, her body making a small thump when she hit the ground.

Philomena: Ah, Magnus, there you are, come on, there was just a misunderstanding. You don't belong in this room.

But all I could do was stare at the collapsed girl that was lying in front of me.

|The claws of the past| (bakugan) | Magnus Black x F! OC|Where stories live. Discover now