Lost memories (pt 1.)

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When Magnus entered the core cell, he didn't think about himself. All his thoughts were: "Will I get more powerful?"; " Will I save my friend?";"Will it be enough?" Anything else didn't matter. He raised his hand allowing all the energy to flow through his veins. He started screaming because of the pain but kept still. Suddenly, Dan came and tried to stop him, so he pushed him away and felt the energy possessed him. Afterwards he was so happy that he lost all control over his body and felt like something else started to control him. He was already exhausted, so he let that thing control him, until he saw through his own eyes that he was starting to act like a psychopath, so he channeled all his energy and created a portal out of there. He found himself in an abandoned room with his arm burning him from the device.

Magnus: Ugh...g-get out of m-my head!

A huge purple shadow appears above him, but Magnus couldn't get up since he was already too weak to fight.

Magnus: W-who are you?

Tiko: My name is Tiko...and you are my servant.

He then started laughing and Magnus felt a sharp pain in his arm. He let out a loud scream, before his vision became blurred and he felt something else take control over his body. Afterwards, all his memories became blurred so he couldn't remember much. When he snapped back to reality, he saw Dan standing in front of him. All that he knew was pain.

Magnus: Why did you save me, Dan Kuzo?

Dan: Because you asked me to, that's why.

Magnus: I did not!

Dan: Oh really?

Magnus *sigh*: Ok, listen...I did ask you, but only because I needed to save my friend...and for that I needed to get more powerful...

Dan: Oh, yea, that girl that was with you? Also, that symbol that you asked us to look for...I think Lia found it-

Magnus: WHERE?!

He jumped up and threw himself from the floating island, landing in the portal and collapsing in front of Benton Dusk's office.

Benton: Magnus? What are you doing here?

He ignored the man and got up looking at Lia.

Magnus: Where is the symbol?

Benton: Magnus, you shouldn't move that much, you just escaped from Tiko's control, also, you are hurt!

He extended his hand and tried to help him up, but Magnus crawled away from him.

Magnus: I'll ask again, where is the symbol?

Lia: In an abandoned warehouse.

Magnus took out his bakugan and turned to face her.

Magnus: You are all coming to show me! Now!

They all climbed on Nillious and drove into the air. Lia was giving him instructions, while the others just watched. While they were flying, Magnus got out a bandage from his pocket and started patching his arm, without openeng the device.

When they arrived, the place looked abandoned, but there, on the wall, was the symbol. He approached it and looked around. Then, he got out a pocketknife and slashed his own hand, presing the cut on his palm onto the sign.

Magnus: Ugh...in the name of Apeiros, I comand you to open!

The sign started glowing blue and a blue line started apearing on the floor, guiding them to another room.

Magnus: Listen, you don't have to come...it'll be dangerous.

Dan: Hmmmm...you'r right, but I'm coming with you!

Lia: Im going with Dan...just to make sure he dosen't get killed...

Winton: I don't know, guys...I'l say pass

Shun: Me too, it's kind of creepy.

Lightning: Arf!

Magnus: Ok, you two, afetr me!

They followed the line that led them through a corridor, to an elevator. They got in and it started moving on its own. After some time, the doors opened, and they all found themselves in a laboratory. The walls were full of paper and on the floor there were poeces of glass and hundreds of sheets of papapers. Lia picked one up and noticed a sketch of metal wings. Dan found a sketch with some claws. Magnus found a usb on wich was written "subject infinite". He took as many papers as he could grab and told them to folow him. He used his device to create a portal and they arrived at his "home". An abandoned house.

Magnus: This way!

They all went inside and rushed to a small room. It had one bed, a desk and some furniture. The desk was full of papers with lots of symbols and signs. Magnus swept the sheets off the table with his hand, leaving only his laptop. He plugged the usb into the laptop and found a video named "Project Infinite. Files. 1". He turned around and looked at the two.

Magnus: Are you sure you want to see this? It may be about her past...

Dan: So, what? We all have weird memories.

Magnus: For your information, she was an experiment subject at a high security level secret lab...so she probably has some tough backstory...

Lia: How do you know that?

Magnus: She told me about it once...never elaborated...but even her actions...she was always scared...ugh! Doesn't matter, let's play it!

He pushed the button.

AN: Hope you like my story so far, im trying to make it as original as posible and finish each chapter quikly. Enjoy! Dark heart out!

|The claws of the past| (bakugan) | Magnus Black x F! OC|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt