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Philomena: Ah, Magnus, there you are, come on, there was just a misunderstanding. You don't belong in this room.

Magnus couldn't believe his eyes. They were really letting her sit on that cold floor with all those wounds and a broken soul. "I just can't accept this!" he said to himself furiously. He then went over to the collapsed girl and picked her up, bridal style. He than went towards the door only to be stopped by an angry woman with pink dress.

Philomena: Excuse me, Magnus, but what in the actual fuck are you doing with my property?

Magnus: You don't own her. She is her own person. And I am not going to stay idly by, while you hurt her!

Then, Magnus went around her and got out of the room. He ignored Kravitz talking to him and took Jamina to his room. He then locked the door just to be sure that no one came to bother her. Then he placed her gently on his bed covering her feet with a blanket.

Magnus (in his mind): She looks really tired. What were they doing to you?

He then notices her eyebags and decides to stop staring at her. He opens his laptop and continues his research.

*time skip 5 hours later*

Magnus was still researching the core cell, when he heard a whimper. He turned around and noticed that Jamina was probably having a nightmare. He jumped and came quickly to her, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her.

Magnus: Jamina, Jamina! Wake up!

She let out a loud scream and jolted (scaring the shit out of Magnus)

Jamina: Wha-where am I?

Magnus: Hey, calm down, it was just a nightmare. You're safe here.

She looked around and then at me.

Jamina: Is this your room? What am I doing here?

Magnus: Well, you fainted, so I brought you here. Also, are you ok? I think you had a nightmare.

She looked at her hands and sighed.

Jamina: Yea, don't worry I'm used to them. (She looked at him) Did I wake you up?

Magnus: No, I was already.

Jamina: What were you doing?

Magnus: Research...on a source of power.

She nodded in agreement. Then she got up and tried walking, but it was clear that there was something wrong. She was leaping, and it looked like there was something wrong with her ribs, because she was clenching her hand around her.

Magnus: Hey...are you ok?

Jamina: Yes! D-don't worry!

She than took one more step than fell to the floor. Luckily, I was there and caught her.

Magnus: Woah! Take it easy!

He then placed her on his bed and lifted her shirt a little, only to see a huge scar that was dripping with blood. He looked at her, but didn't said anything. She turned her head away, not wanting to see his eyes.

Magnus: Ok, now I must apply pressure to stop the that ok?

She nodded in agreement. I took out mu device and put my hand on her wound as gentle as I could. Even so, she clenched her claws even harder on her shirt and bit her lip, tears sliding on her face. I looked at the wound analyzing it. It looked so big and so deep, that I was not sure how to patch it up. Also, I noticed multiple other scars along her skin, but I didn't said anything. Then I remembered the first aid kit that was in the bathroom. I quickly let her go and got the white plastic box. I opened it and didn't know which bandage to use. Then I feel something poking my shoulder.

Jamina: You should use the needle to sew the wound.

I looked at her like she was out of her mind. She smiled a bit and then picked up the needle that was in the box, along with come special white string.

Jamina: Don't worry, its nothing that I am not used to. It happens to me all the time.

She chuckled a bit, then started sewing her wound. From her moves, it looked like she knew what she was doing.

Jamina: Its ok if you don't know how to sew...I learned the hard way.

She finished and then I used a wet cloth to wipe away the blood. When we finished, I sat down next to her on the bed. She stared at her claws and didn't said anything.

Magnus: Hey, did you get hurt?

Jamina: Training!

Her response was almost forced, like there was someone else talking instead of her. She looked almost like she was repeating someone else's words. I looked at her.

Magnus: I know you're lying. I can tell from your face.

She startled a bit, then moved away, almost like she was afraid of what I might do to her. I turned around so I faced her.

Magnus: Look, Jamina, I am not going to hurt you, just tell me, who hurt you?

She didn't said anything. So, he took her hands into his. She tried to break free from him, but he only grabbed her tighter so that her claws now risked cutting him.

Jamina: P-please, let go, you'll get hurt.

Magnus: No! Tell me who hurt you!

Jamina: MY MASTER!

She shouted.

Jamina: M-my master hurt me...

AN: Hey, i will try making the next part based on Magnus's backstory, so stay tuned!

|The claws of the past| (bakugan) | Magnus Black x F! OC|Where stories live. Discover now