Lost memories (pt 2.)

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 A video started playing and a voice of a man was heard.

"Hello there, this is about subject Infinite, file 1. We managed to capture the girl without complications. Her memory was erased but, due to a technical difficulty, she only remembers shadows and fragments, so it will be hard for us to make her listen. We have already started doing some small analyses on her, making sure her blood is the right type for our project. We want to create a fusion between humans and bakugan. We chose a dragon. A very powerful one. We will start the experiment soon". The image started to change and shifted. The camera was pointed at Jamina who had her hands chained to her back, some people in white coats, dragging her into a room.


She started squirming, trying to get free from the grasp. They yanked her and took her to a white room. They chained her hands to the floor and brought some machines. They pulled some tubes with needles at their edges and plugged them in her back. Clear blood started leaking and she winced in pain. On the opposite side, was a fish tank (idk what its called) full of water. Inside, was a small black ball. The tubes started to fill up with a black substance, and lightning started running on the floor. Jamina just opened her mouth and let out the loudest, scariest, painfulness scream Magnus ever heard. Then, the screen was covered in a white light and the video ended. The doctor continued. "Hello there, this is about subject Infinite, file 2. We finished the experiment, and I must admit, I'm kind of disappointed, we spent approximately 2.5 billion euros on this experiment, and all we managed to get is a world destroying annoying weapon girl that doesn't listen to what it told. She gained some powers like telekenises, healing and she has claws, but she wanted to use them to escape. So, we did some improving". The images changed and showed some skerches of a black collar. The images changed again, and Magnus saw Jamina standing in front of some doctors. They were adjusting somentheng at her collar. Suddenly, she punched one of them in the face and kicked another in the guts. Then she ran to a door and sprinted on the corridor. She bumped into someone, and before she could react, the boy stabbed her in the ribs with a knife. She only winced and blood started leaking through her mouth. She forced a weak smile on her face and looked at the boy.

Jamina: W-well...hello there...Luke...

She coughed up some more blood. The boy looked at her with a superior smile on his mouth. He twisted the knife in her ribs, and they could all hear a crunch from her bones. She bent down, trying to free herself, but the boy pulled out the knife from her and grabbed her by the neck.

Luke: If you try this one more time...oh, I swear...I won't be so forgiving...

He squeezed her neck and threw her at the opposite wall, shattering it. Then he left. Jamina looked at the shatered wall, at the splutered blood acros the floor and then at her ribs.

Jamina *weak tone*: Heh...you...call this...l-life? What a...m-moron...

She coughed more blood, and her eyes went in the back of her head. The image changed again, and the doctor started talking. "We found a way for her to be contained. We discovered that pain is what keeps her. Also, we made sure to hurt her evereyday, so she knows not to mess with us, or anyone else. We will continue the investigation and the project. Good day". The video ended. Magnus was staring at the screen. He turned around and found Lia crying, cletching onto Dan that had a very serious look on his face. Magnus looked at his hands and found them formed into a fist. He touched his face and found out that he had tears in his eyes. But they were not tears of sadnes...they were of anger.

Magnus: I must find her! Now!

Dan: But you said it was a high security level secret lab...how do you plan on getting inside?

Magnus: I don't know, but I must try...in the meantime, take her to your home...I think she's in a bit of a shock.

They all got out of the building and Magnus teleported Winton, Shun and Lightning back to their homes. Then, he climbed on Nillious with Dan and Lia and flew to Dan's house. The night's air was quite chilly, so Lia started shivering. Dan noticed and embraced her. Magnus looked back at the two and smiled. But it was a painful smile. Because, he missed Jamina too much...

AN: Its starting to get serious! Dark out!

|The claws of the past| (bakugan) | Magnus Black x F! OC|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt