Trouble (pt .1)

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*Jamina's POV*

The time went by, and they both were ok with their routine. But after some time, Philomena started to get annoyed and she put a lot of pressure on Magnus, making him think it was the end of the world if he didn't won. One day, while Jamina was working on a weird machine (Philomena needed her to make some devices for bakugan brawlers) she felt that Magnus was in pain. A huge pain. So big, that she felt it herself. She abandoned quickly all that she was doing and ran along the pain that she sensed. She heard some screams coming from another room and she broke the door. There, surrounded by doctors and scientists, was Magnus, his device almost on fire.

Jamina: MAGNUS!

She shouted and tried getting to him, but the doctors stopped her. She watched in horror how they put some kind of energy in his arm. Philomena grabbed her and dragged her into a small room, where she tied a chain to Jamina's neck.

Jamina: What are you doing to him!?

Philomena: Don't worry, he'll be fine...eventually...

Jamina tried breaking free, but she couldn't.

Philomena: Don't force yourself. You won't escape!

She then left, closing the door. Jamina forced the chain trying to break it, but she quickly was exhausted. Then, all the nice moments that she had with him flashed before her eyes. She concentrated and a small energy beam emerged from her hand, shattering the chain. She then put her hand in her pocket and took out a black ball.

Jamina: What do you say, Apeiros, ready for another fight?

The dragon growled and they both got out, jumping through the window. (She didn't cared about getting hurt, so she ignored the cut that was on her neck)

AN: Next part will be longer. Enjoy! Dark heart out!

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