The walk

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The next morning, Magnus got up hearing some banging in his door. Jamina was already up and looked at him with fear. He assured her with a gesture of his hand and opened the door. Philomena was looking down at him quite annoyed.

Philomena: Excuse me, Magnus, I think I will be taking her now!

Jamina flinched and grabbed Magnus's arm staying behind him.

Magnus: No! She is hurt enough! She's staying with me!

Philomena: What insolence! How dare you! I gave you and your sister a place to live and that's how you repay me?

She raised her hand ready to slap him. Magnus closed his eyes and waited for the pain. When he opened his eyes, Jamina was staying in front of him, holding Philomena's hand with her claws, without hurting her.

Jamina: You can hurt me, but don't touch my friend!

Magnus noticed that she had a more confident voice, and she wasn't scared anymore. Philomena yanked her hand and took some steps back.

Philomena: Ugh, fine! She's your problem now, Magnus!

She than left. Magnus exhaled. They were lucky.

Magnus:, what do you want to do?

Jamina: I have no idea!

Magnus: Ok, come on, first you should change.

He pointed to her suit and they both laughed. Magnus gave her one of his hoodies since she didn't have any clothes except her "suit". Seeing her in one of his hoodies made Magnus blush a bit. Then they went outside. Jamina made sure to keep her hands in her pocket since she had claws. First, they went to a park. There were still a lot of things that Jamina still hasn't seen. So, they walked around a bit.

Magnus *whispering*: Hey, can I ask you something?

Jamina*whispering*: Yes, sure.

Magnus *whispering*: You said you can control your metal. Can't you make your claws disappear?

She got out her hand and the metal were absorbed, entering some scars along her hand.

Jamina*whispering*: You see...I don't want these to be visible...

She pointed to her scars. Magnus took her hand in his, hiding it with his fingers.

Magnus *whispering*: Is that better? (he chuckled)

Jamina*whispering*: You know I understand flirting.

He was about to respond when he noticed a group of people that were approaching them.

Magnus: Oh, shit...

Jamina looked around and noticed a group of kids that were coming their way. She quickly yanked her hand from him not wanting to put him in an awkward position. Then she realized that they were the Awesome Ones. The boy with red hair waved his hand at them.

Dan: Hey, Magnus! Long time no see!

Magnus: Shut up, Dan!

Dan: Who is your friend?

Magnus: Fuck of, Dan, mind ur business!

He continued walking, but the boy was quite persistent.

Magnus: That's enough! What do you want, Dan?!

Dan: Woah, cool of, I just wanted to see who is your friend.

Jamina: I'm Jamina. I believe you are Dan.

Dan: Yea, hi!

He extended his arm, but she just looked at him a bit bored.

Jamina: Ok...I think we should go now. We'll see you later.

Magnus grabbed her and continued walking. Dan looked a bit surprised than laughed and waved at them!

Dan: Ok, see you soon!

Magnus just growled and walked faster. Jamina felt that he was angry and took him by the arm. He exhaled and entangled his fingers with hers. They continued until Magnus turned to face her.

Magnus: I'm sorry you had to see me like that.

Jamina: No problem. You see, I am used to people being so annoying.

He squeezed her hand a bit.

Magnus: Ok, I think we should have no idea how Philomena reacts when you are late.

They started laughing and went to their room. They were so exhausted, that they fell asleep immediately. 

AN: The next one will be a litle short...but don't worry, i'l keep trying to make them longer.

Dark Heart out!

|The claws of the past| (bakugan) | Magnus Black x F! OC|Where stories live. Discover now