Reunited (again)

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*two years later*

*Jamina's POV*

I was walking down the hallway, with the AO behind me. They recently welcomed other two people in the group. Ajit and a girl named Athena. Also, Winton made a friend. (idk her name) We were now going home and I was happy. My bakugan had just evolved. Suddenly, I heard the director talking to someone else and a voice came to my ears. I stopped, dead in my tracks, looking eye-winded in front of me at the director and another person.

Director Faustus: Ah, and here are some of the most talented brawlers we have. You'll be happy to teach them.

I looked in front of me, my eyes glued to the raven haired boy. He saw me and his eyes widened.

Magnis: J-Jamina?

He stammered and took some steps to me, raising his hand. I shook my head and looked annoyed at him.

Jamina: I do not know you.

I turned around and continued my way out of the building. But he was following me.

Magnus: Jamina! Wait!

I closed my eyes and started to run, throwing my bakugan in front of me.

Jamina: Apeiros! Now!

The dragon roared and I jumped in the air, flying. But Magnus was coming after me.

Magnus: Jamina! Wait! Let me explain!

Jamina: Oh, my! You really are persistent!

I growled and stopped on the roof of a tall building, with him on my back.

Magnus: Jamina, please, listen to me!


I turned and shouted at him, my eyes burning.

Jamina: You left me! I had to crawl to another place and rent a small apartment, where I stayed FIVE FUCKING hours to patch my wounds and heal myself! And if that wasn't enough, your sister came to the AO and they called ME to try and explain to her that her brother just suddenly left! And after this I had some technical dificulties with my collar and it started malfunctioning, strangling me untill I passed out in the middle of the city! The police got involved and I had to hide for another two months. After this, I went to this shitty academy and learned nonsense! And this! (she pointed to her eyes) when you left, I was so angry and sad, that my blood started boiling! And I got these weird leopard lines that are actualy made of my tears!

She stoped a bit and inhaled.

Jamina: A-and you...left me there...alone...and what about you? What happened to you?

She wiped her tears and looked at him.

Jamina: Your turn now...why did you left?


I looked at her feeling my heart throbing. I looked down and sighed.

Magnus: You have every right to be angry...I understand you...and im sorry. When you helped me...two years ago...I heard Tiko laughing at me and I had to get away from you! I didn't wanted to accidentally hurt you! But I promised myself I would cone back for you! And for my sister...but I had to-

Jamina: Wait. You still hear Tiko?

Magnus: Yes?

She was shocked and looked around.

Jamina: Than I apologize for what I'm about to do.

She dashed towards me and grabbed my face with her claws. I felt the world around me starting to melt and I fell backwards. Jamina's body fell over me, and she became limp. My senses were starting to shut down and I was getting dizzy. Suddenly, I blacked out.

I woke up in a sea of black. Like literally, the water was gooey and cold. I started looking around and instantly heard Tiko's laugh.

Tiko: Sooooo he he he he you finally found me.

I tried running away, but the black thing started chaining my hands, keeping me in one place.

Tiko: You know...I took me some time to figure out where to mark you...

Magnus: MARK ME?

Tiko: Yessss you see, I can leave an invisible tatoo on the person that I posessss. But you!

Here, he stoped and apeared in front of me. Purple eyes, black body and sharp teeth. The air became hard and I was already strugling to make the black chains go.

Magnus: L-let go of me!

He laughed in my face and ripped my cape, the black tatoo apearing on my arm.

Tiko: And you...little traitor! He he he you had a really good friend that helped you. But you can't run from it. The mark will always stay in you!

He started laughing and strangled his hand, starting to spread the black substance across his body. Magnus felt weak. He felt powerless. He felt the dark energy entering his body. In one last desperate atempt to run, he yanked away from the black creature and dashed away, splashing around. But it was no use. The dark matter gathered around his mouth, invading his lungs. He chocked and tried to make him go away, but he was getting weaker the second that passed.

Tiko: Farewell, little hero!

With a laugh, he disappeared in the air and Magnus started to feel like he was going to pass out in any moment. He closed his eyes, wanting to remember some nice moments. His sister apeared in his mind saying 'Big brother! Don't give up!' and just when he was about to pass out, Jamina appeared in front of him. Smiling.

Jamina: I am sorry you waited. But t can't help you. Not here. So come on, get up. I know you can.

He shook his head, small tears appearing in the corner of his eye.

Jamina: Magnus. Get up. I will wait for you on the other side. Come on.

He suddenly felt a flash of energy and raised hands, grabbing ahold of him and smashing the black thing in the ground. He than turned and closed his eyes, memories surrounding him. He raised his hands and the light gathered around him, making him almost float. But he had no time for that. He chaneled all of his energy and hit Tiko with a light beam and than another untill all that was left of him was a small puddle of black.


Magnus: No. You won't.

He than looked around as the water became golden and the air breathable. He smiled as he was dragged out, snapping back to reality. Jamina was in front of him, but she quickly turned to leave.

Magnus : Wait!

Jamina: That man that helped now at the museum, stealing things. Go and fix it. I'll meet you after this.

She then jumped away, leaving a confused Magnus behind.

AN: Hi guys. I am so sorry, but i wont be able to post for some days. Right now i am going trough a difficult period of my life and my anxiety is on the roof. But do not worry. I think I'll post another chapter in about a week. And you won't be disappointed. That being said, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Always stay happy. Dark out!

1135 words

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