Crossing paths

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Meanwhile at the AO:

The team looked around, admiring their new workplace.

Dan: Woah! This place is sooo huge!

Lia: Calm down, Dan we're here to investigate! Quit fooling around!

Dan looked at Lia with a playful smirk.

Dan: You forgot the magic wooord!

Lia blushed a bit and tried keeping a straight face.

Lia: Ugh...please?

Dan laughed and started talking about nonsense with Winton.

Shun: Do you like him?

Lia: What!?

Shun: It's clear that you like him. Why don't you tell him?

Lia didn't respond because Kranitz came and told them that Philomena's waiting for them in her office.

They all went inside and started questioning her about the core cell that they were protecting. Suddenly, the door was opened furiously and a boy with raven hair entered and slammed his hand onto the desk.

Magnus: Where is she!?

Philomena: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Magnus: But of course, you do! You psychopath! What have you done to my friend!

Philomena: Watch your tone young man!

She raised her arm ready to slap him, but he didn't even flinched. She exhaled sharply and sat down.

Philomena: I don't have her anymore.

Magnus: What?

Philomena: The guy gave me an offer for her. It seemed like he wanted her back, so I gave her away.

Magnus almost collapsed when he heard this.

Magnus: D-do you still have the contract?

Philomena: No. I burned it.

He flinched and lowered his head. His back convulsed several times, and his eyes lost their color as he cried heartbroken, without caring who saw him. The Awesome Ones watched not understanding anything. Magnus wiped his tears away with a blank expression on his face. Then he looked at Philomena.

Magnus: I swear...on my life...I will have my revenge...on you...and I will find her...even if I have to die trying. I quit. I'm not your puppet anymore.

He then turned around, tears still sliding across his face, and left the office. The Awesome Ones followed him.

Dan: Magnus wait!

Magnus: I don't have time for this! What do you want!?

Winton: Wow, relax, dude, we only want to help.

Shun: Is someone in trouble?

Lia: What can we do to help?

Magnus turned a bit and looked into her eyes. She could see that he was heartbroken. Then he got out a piece of paper with a sign on it. He handed it to her.

Magnus: If you see this symbol anywhere, call me. I am giving it to you because I trust you. My friend has been taken by her kidnapers. You can't tell anyone this. If you see anywhere this sign...than you call me. Understood?

They looked at him and realized he was serious. Lia took the paper and nodded.

Lia: Where will you go?

Magnus: I'm going to get more powerful.

He then turned and left, riding on Nillious to the nearest library, where he would take out his papers and start searching for some core cells. 

AN: Next part will include Magnus geting posessed, so stay tuned! Dark heart out!

|The claws of the past| (bakugan) | Magnus Black x F! OC|Where stories live. Discover now