More blood

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We landed in the same abandoned building as before. It was midnight when I opened my eyes and found myself lying on a dusty carpet. I got up, tho' I was still weak because of the blood loss, I still went to a window and looked around. It was safe to stay for the night.

Magnus: Nillious, can you help me?

He nodded and went around me. I gave him some pieces of material and he flew around me, until the bleeding stopped. I remembered about the hotdog that I got from that kid on the beach, and I took it out. I ripped a piece and gave it to Nillious and Eanoch. I ate the rest and opened my phone, searching for Haavik. After I found what I was looking for, I lied down on the carpet and fell asleep immediately.


In the morning I made sure to put on something that would cover the scars, but still, it hurt like hell. I slowly made my way to the mall and started looking for Haavik. I was hiding behind a sofa, when I felt a hand on my back.

Ajit: Hey, small world running into you!

My heart froze and I turned around, expecting some bad guys, but it was just Ajit.

Magnus: Huh?

Ajit: What are you doin-

He was cut off by Haavik that got out of the store, having in his hands two ice creams with twenty scoops.

Ajut: He's on the move! Let's go!

I saw black in front of me. I garbed his hand, stopping him.

Magnus: Stay out of this. This is my battle!

I ran after Haavik, and he stayed behind. I followed him and stopped at a fountain.

Ajit: Who swims in a fountain?!

Magnus: You again!? I thought I told you-

Ajit: He's on the move! Come on!

We ran after Haavik and finally stopped when he was taking a nap.

Ajit: Its like babysitting a kid or something!

Magnus: This totally reminds me of the first time I met you. You were just stealing a bunch of weird stuff. It took me a lot of hard work to find you.

Ajit: Oh? I was surprised you figured it out at all!

I smiled, but it quickly faded when I rested on a tree. I did the biggest mistake and moved, causing the tree to slide on my back. I barely managed to contain my screams.

Magnus: Arrgh! Fuck!

Ajit looked at me.

Ajit: Are you ok? What happened?

I quickly moved my hand to my back, feeling blood. I cursed and quickly turned around.

Magnus: Nothing! Come on!

Suddenly, Haavik looked at us and smiled.

Haavik: How about we have a small battle?

Magnus: Oh, he knows we're here!

So, we had to fight him. But still, we lost. He realized that he had to watch some cartoons, so he left before we even finished the fight. My back was on fire, and I was starting to feel something in my mouth.

Ajit: He watches cartoons?

I coughed and was horrified to find blood in my hand. Ajit turned and looked at me.

Ajit: Woah! What in the- ?

I cut him off by waving my hand and tried walking away.

Ajit: Magnus, wait, you're hurt!

Magnus: It doesn't matter!

Suddenly, I felt like time stopped. I turned around and saw a van. A black van that had a white raven sign on it. I quickly got up and grabbed Ajit.

Magnus: Go and call the AO! Now!

Ajit: Ok? But why?

Magnus: Can't explain! Come on!

He let Nilious go and jumped on him. They flied across the road and landed near an abandoned building. The Awesome Ones were coming after them.

Dan: So...why do you-

Magnus: No time to explain. Go down there and take one turn left. In the room where you are, make as much chaos as you can. I'll go and save Jamina.

Dan: Ok, but what happened to your cape?

Magnus looked down and saw some blood droplets on the ground. He waved his hand and opened the back door.

Magnus: Doesn't matter! Come on!

*Jamina'sPOV *

Jamina could feel his soul close. She could literally FEEL the determination inside him. She felt powerless. Weak. Pathetic. She slowly moved her hand trying to make the chain loose. But it didn't worked. She was restrained in a white cell. There were black chains around her hands and neck. She could barely move. She sighed. Now, his soul was moving towards anther room. Her heart froze when she realized that he was going to enter the boss's office. And he was going to die. In a desperate move, she tried to create a knife, but it didn't worked. Now Magnus was right in the office. She felt blood. All. Over. HIM.

Jamina: N-no! Not now!

She started kicking the air with her feet. Adrenaline gathered inside her. She smashed her back against the wall. She felt a small cut on her back and she repeated the action again. When she felt enough energy, she yanked the chain, bent down and screamed, while two huge black knives slashed her back. The chains broke and she fell to the ground. But the moment her feet touched the ground, she dashed to the next wall and smashed it, nearly bumping into Dan and the rest.

Dan: Woah! Jamina? What are you doing here!

Jamina: I should be the one asking this! What in the world are you doing! Do you have any idea what is going to happen to you if they find you?

Dan: What's the worst-case scenario?

Jamina: They will take you and transform you into experiments! Then, they will keep you here forever!

Lia: But we don't want that!

Jamina: Exactly! I can't believe Magnus would be so stupid and do this! I have to go!

She ran to the door and turned to them.

Jamina: I am grateful to you all! You did enough! Leave this place. Now!

Lia: But what will happen to you?

Jamina chuckled slowly.

Jamina: Don't ask me movie questions. I think you already know the answer.

She turned to the wall and her eyes became black.

Jamina: Im gon'a go and help my friend!

With a quick move, she destroyed the wall and she was already out. Lia turned to Dan.

Lia: Come on, I think we did our job

Dan: I think your right.

They both were looking at each other for some time now.

Ajit: Sooooo...are you guys a thing now?

AN: Hi, guys! I hope you like this chapter. I'll try and make them with more action. Also, remember, that MY timeline in this story is not the same from the original one. So don't expect it to be the same like all of the episodes. That being said, see you all soon! If you have any questions, just ask! Dark out!

1105 words

|The claws of the past| (bakugan) | Magnus Black x F! OC|Where stories live. Discover now