The journey begins

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Dan's POV:

We arrived at my house, and I got down, holding Lia in my arms. She fell asleep on my shoulder, so I had to pick her up. Before leaving I asked Magnus where he was going.

Magnus: I am going north. Hope I can find more clues there...

Dan: You don't need to go after her like that, what if she's ok? Maybe she's safe...

Magnus: Did you see what that boy did to her? He broke her ribs without a second thought. If that happened three years ago...than...what is that boy doing to her now?

He looked at Dan. The pyrus brawler nodded and took some steps back. Nillious took off and I waved at them. I entered my home and took Lia to my room. My parents were on a trip, so we were alone. I placed her on my bed and looked at her. Her hair was untangled, and some strands were on her face. Dan brushed them gently and looked at her. She looked peaceful sleeping. Suddenly, she opened her eyes.

Lia: Dan? Where am i?

Dan: Ur at my fell asleep on my shoulder, so I brought you here. My parents are on a business trip, so we are alone.

Lia: Actually, I'm not sleepy anymore...did you see what that boy did to Magnus's friend?

Dan: I think her name is Jamina. He really cares about her.

Lia: No...I think there's more to it...I think he likes her...

Dan: Rlly?

Lia: Yea, it's obvious.

She said that while looking at Dan. She really liked him when he was calm. The room was quite dark. Only a small moonlight that had both of them in ti.

Dan: Woah! Lia, your eyes are glowing!

Lia: Really?

Dan got closer to her, admiring how the moon shined in her eyes.

Dan: Its...beautiful...

Lia: Wh-what?!

Dan: Uhhhh I-I mean...

He stammered and started blinking quickly.

Dan: Ok, listen...I'm not good with words so...

He leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. She was a bit shocked, but closed her eyes and kissed him back. He used his hand and carcased her cheek, while she put her hands on his neck. They stayed like that for a few minutes, before leting go.

Dan: See? Im not good at words...but...Lia, I love you! I always have, and it's a pain to keep it a secret and not teling you...but if you don't feel the same, then-

She cut him off with another kiss and smiled.

Lia: Don't worry, I feel the same way about you.

Dan: C-can you say it? I need to hear it...

Lia: Dan, I love you!

Dan: I love you too, Lia! U want to cuddle?

Lia: Sure!

They lied on the bed, Dan hugging her from the back and Lia placing her hands on his.

Dan: Good night, Lia.

Lia: Good night, Dan.

AN: Magnus will go after her. Im thinking about puting Ajit in the next chapter. Enjoy! Dark out!

|The claws of the past| (bakugan) | Magnus Black x F! OC|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن