Trouble (pt .2)

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Magnus POV:

I knew that I couldn't hold much longer so I tried channeling all my energy at attacking Dan, not dogging. I felt like my hand was burning because of my device. The battle went on and on till I almost collapsed because of the pain. But it was worthy. I managed to beat Dan. Still, I felt like there was too much power in the device. A huge power beam emerged from my device and took out my bakugan. The pain was almost making me scream, so I nearly collapsed on the ground.

Dan: Magnus, are you ok?

I growled at the boy and tried standing up. I was shocked when I saw Emily rushing towards me.

Emily: My big brother!

Magnus: Emily, you should not be here! You're not well!

Emily: Buy you're always pushing yourself too hard for me!

Magnus: Don't get the wrong idea...this is the path I chose myself.

Emily: But Magnus-

She started coughing and I tried getting up, but the pain kept me down. And that idiot was just standing there watching. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. And there, in the light, was Jamina. She got out a bakugan and rolled it out.

Jamina: Bakugan brawl!

The dragon was nothing like I ever saw. It had two golden horns and golden claws, red eyes and two huge purple wings. His scales were black, and his teeth were very sharp. Even so, there was a lot of energy that surrounded him.

Jamina: Duplication! Argus!

The big dragon opened his mouth and another bakugan got out. This time, it was a leopard. It was black and had its dots gold. The leopard knelled before my sister and some kind of shield appeared around them. When it stopped, Emily was just a bit dizzy. But she was alive.

Jamina: Argus, take Emily to Philomena's office. She may be a bad person, but she still has a heart.

The leopard nodded and picked the girl up with his tail. Then, using his tail as a seatbelt, he sprinted across the park.

Jamina: Are you ok? Can you stand?

I looked at her and noticed that her eyes were exhausted. I got slowly up and climbed on the dragon. She just jumped on the head with more skill than I ever saw. She then stood there looking at Dan with a furious look.

Jamina: Dan Kuzo! Don't you ever touch my friend again!

She shouted then the dragon roared and took off, leaving Dan with a puzzled face. She stayed on his head, and it was like she was controlling him with her mind. Suddenly, she knelled and caught something in her hand. When she looked at it, she just sighed and brushed it on a scale. We arrived at an abandoned place where she opened a window.

Jamina: Thank you!

The dragon returned and we both got inside.

Jamina: Sorry, but we can't go back until I heal you.

She took a first aid kit that was in the bathroom and looked at my device then she started opening it piece by piece. My hand was hurting so much that I flinched. She got the device down and inspected my wound. The flesh was burned and there were a lot of bruises that were from some previous fights. She then took out a towel and wiped away the blood. She applied a cream on my wound, and I felt my pain ease. She put her claws on my wound and closed her eyes. I felt some energy around me, and I saw a white light emerging from her claws. On her head appeared a symbol that started glowing. When she finished, she nearly collapsed. I caught her and I was shocked when I saw that my wound was cured.

Magnus: H-how did you do that?

Jamina: Heh...I told you...I can cure people.

She wheezed and cought some blood.

Magnus: Hey! What's wrong?

She wheezed again and I saw a huge cut on her neck that was already dripping with blood. I quickly applied pressure on her cut, but she just winced in pain.

Magnus: Heal yourself! Now!

Jamina: I-I can't...

Magnus: Why?!

Jamina: My master...put something in my collar...a program...I can only use a small amount of power...per day...

She was starting to get dizzy.

Magnus: No! Stay with me! We must go! Nillious go!

They got out into the sky with Magnus holding Jamina as tight and close to him as possible. Jamina looked at him and admired his beautiful raven eyes.

Jamina: Magnus...listen to me...

Magnus: No! I'm not losing you!

Jamina: No, I won't die, but they will take me away from you.

Magnus: They? Who are they?

Jamina: Listen closely...when they take me away, go to Philomena's office and find the contract in which she is now my new master. On the back sheet will be an address. Go there and you might find me. If it's not there or Philomena threw it away...than...take care of your sister and was a pleasure to meet you, Magnus...

She then smiled and gave him a small kiss on the cheek and passed out in his arms.

Magnus: Jamina? Jamina! Jamina wake up!

He growled and hugged her, pushing Nillious to fly quicker. When he arrived at the white building, there were multiple white trucks and other units with soldiers that had their guns pointed at them. Magnus picked up Nillious and shoved him in his pocket. Then, holding Jamina protectively, he walked into the building to Philomena's office.

Magnus: Is my sister ok?

Philomena: Yes, she is. Now, put her on the couch and leave now!

Magnus: She has a name and I'm not leaving!

He hugged her, resting her head on his shoulder.

Philomena: That's really sweet, but if you don't let her go, she'll die. Do you really want to kill her that way. You really want her blood on your hands?

Magnus felt something in his eye and realized that he was crying. For the first time in a long time. He looked at her face and wiped away some of her blood, then gave her one last hug.

Magnus: I'm sorry...

He then placed her on the couch and left. He crawled to his room and collapsed with his back facing the door. He hugged his knees and started crying, wondering if he would ever see her again.

AN: Enjoy! Dark heart out!  :)

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