[EP 50] Pt 1: The hunt

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Phuwin had given the photo he took to Fourth as Gemini was still trying to crack Dunk's phone. It was only when Bright and Win caught wind of what happened and visited Dunk that they finally had a breakthrough. Apparently, Dunk had sent some files to their cloud server. The only issue lies in the passcode he had on those files. Gemini and Fourth had been brainstorming with Joong, Pond and Phuwin with little success.

"It has been a number that is so important to him." Fourth mumbled under his breath. The gears in Phuwin's head started moving.

"Try 201314" Phuwin urged. Gemini and Fourth cheered when they got through. Gemini and Fourth were curious as to why he thought of that number.

"it's which floor our apartment is at and the apartment number itself." Phuwin looked at Joong and Pond. Their eyes widen. It was Dunk's happy place. His safe zone.

Gemini and Fourth's blood ran cold. "Shiiaa..if Phi Dunk didn't jammed their signal, the whole street will be gone, Tangsakyuen Tower will be in dust." Fourth exclaimed. The trio were stunned by this finding. Fourth's computer made a "ping" sound.

"Oh, we have a hit with that picture, Wit Sorawit Kumthorntip, business owner. He was apprehended for first degree murder just last month but there was insufficient evidence so he was let go. His daughter died as his case was on-going." Fourth read through his record.

"I don't see how that's related to us. Why are they targeting Tangsakyuen Tower?" Pond sounded confused.

"They are not targeting us per se but they are trying to make a statement. You'll suffer as much as I did" Phuwin theorized.

"But Dunk foiled his plans... He may be coming for him..." There was fear in Joong's voice.  


Bright hated being dupped. He had built BVC for years, he was a trained secret service agent but yet here he was with an empty bed, where Dunk should be. He lost him. He couldn't fathom how he lost him. The doctor had said that Dunk has been improving, they were transferring him to a normal ward. In that process, Dunk was lost. He didn't know what to tell the trio when he saw them rushing towards them. Win had taken over the conversation. The look of anguish on their face was something that he never wanted to see. He punched the wall beside him. 

Nobody crosses Bright Vachirawit Chivaaree. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: Have you ever watched a series where the reason for what was happening was so absurd? like non related at all? this is pretty much the case. So here is Dunk getting kidnap one last time, last one, I promise. 🤭🤭 anyway, this is the only series that I'm writing where Dunk gets kidnap and hurting as bad as it is... I think... so I guess IM (imaginative mind) is going all out🤣🤣.  

Back to this EP, I was searching like secret meaning in numbers and came across the Chinese interpretation to it. I think that's what it means

20: love you, I've seen people say 520 as I love you, so I assume 20 is love you? 

1413: forever

The tie that binds us ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora