[EP 15] Pt 2: Change 🔞🔞(PP)

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Dunk thrived under Bright and Win's guidance. His skills were a great asset to the team. Bright and Win were more than happy. To the trio, seeing Dunk blossom in their eyes was the greatest gift that they could ask for.

Pond sighs in relief as he laid on Phuwin's bed.

"Are you happy now?" Phuwin asked as he laid beside Pond.

"Very much so," He smiled. Pond was glad that Dunk is happy but now he wondered what to make of his relationship with Phuwin. They had gotten a lot more closer, a lot more intimate within the past few months but they had never really addressed the nature of their relationship. Pond was afraid to broach the subject, he was afraid of losing Phuwin.

"Thank you for being there for me these past few months. I don't know how I would have been able to cope with it." Pond chose a safe heartfelt gratitude. He wished Phuwin will know at least that he is thankful for his companionship.

"I should thank you for coming into my life. You've provided me as much comfort during this period as I did you. But you know what would be better?" Phuwin grinned. Pond just raised his eyebrow. Phuwin closed the distance between them.

"Bpen faen gan (Let's be boyfriends)?" he whispered. Pond's eyes widen at his question. He couldn't believe what he was hearing but instinctively nodded. Phuwin had initiated a soft kiss but Pond had poured his years of longing into it, dominating the kiss as they went. Phuwin moaned into the kiss. Pond stopped in his tracks and leans his forehead on his. "If we continue, I won't be able to stop" he said with a shaky breath.

"Who wants you to stop" Phuwin whispered to his ear, kissing his way down his neck, sucking on it as he reaches the juncture to his shoulder, and grinds against him. Pond moaned as he felt the burning desire in him, no longer able to contain how much he wanted Phuwin. He tears his shirt off him. Buttons were flying everywhere. He kisses his way down his chest as he unbuckles Phuwin's belt and pulls his trousers off. He admires how he made his faen looks- his face and chest flushed with arousal as he takes his clothes off. He reaches for a bottle of lube and a condom from Phuwin's drawer. He throws it on the bed before diving for another kiss. Phuwin had somehow lost his underwear in the process. He reaches for Phuwin's shaft and proceeds to stroke him as he lines his neck with kisses. He loves the moans that comes out of him. Phuwin stops him before he comes.

"I want you inside of me" he whispered breathily. He grabs the lube and coats fingers, he slides in one finger before adding two, scissoring him open. He adds another finger. Phuwin moans his name and grabs the sheets beneath him when Pond hits the spot. The sight forever ingrained in his mind. A sight that he wants to recreates. He puts on the condom before sinking into Phuwin. They moaned at the sensation. Pond stops when he is fully sheathed, giving time for Phuwin to adjust. He holds his desire in until Phuwin buckles for him to move. He started thrusting to a slow rhythm and when Phuwin's breathe hitched, he knew that was the spot. He started pounding into him as he strokes Phuwin's shaft. Phuwin warns him before he comes, Pond follows closely after. He rests his forehead against his as he comes down from his high. He kisses him slowly, savouring his taste, not wanting the night of passion to end. Pond ties the condom, throwing it before getting a wet cloth to wipe Phuwin down. He hugs Phuwin to sleep with a smile on his face. He can't believe he can finally call him his.   

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: *blushes & hides underneath the blanket after writing this scene. can't believe I really wrote a smut scene. clicks publish without looking.🫣🫣yes, this is the raw version. I can't read it 🙈🙈

PP fans who have been asking for PP fics, when I said I'll include more scenes, I really didn't expect this but chang man herr (whatever [fits])Por jai yang?  Mei wai loiiee (are you satisfied? I just can't). 

What are your thoughts on my first attempt? I don't know what to make of it. Now I understand why the boys can't watch back their NC scenes, I can't even read the smut scene I wrote. Should I even attempt a JD version? 🙈🙈 but it'll take a while to get to them. If I do write 1, I'll make sure to do it better. Sorry, PP fans. 1st attempt. If I do another JDPP series, I'll make sure I'll write a better 1 for them next round. If I can stomach writing another smut scene. 😅😅  

*Sudden flash of this scene in my mind: Dunk runs after realizing such explicit scene exist in this series. Joong diligently making notes while blushing 🤣🤣 

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