[EP 38] Pt4 : The trap

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Bright, Win and Dunk are at the opposite building as they try to take stock of what to expect using the thermal imaging camera.

"They are on the second floor. But there's 6 people in the same area. There are more people saturated here..." Win narrates what they see as they start to form a plan.

"I'll cover you from here. Once you get to where they are at, Win will move in with the rest." Bright said as he preps his long range sniper rifle. Dunk nodded to that.

Dunk climbs up the drainage pipe to the second floor. He wrings the neck of the first guard he meets as he jumps onto to the balcony. He slides on a gas mask. He rolls a canister of poisonous gas across the floor taking 10 people down. It takes him a while before he stops. He reaches the corner. He notices two guards stationed outside the room. He ditches the gas mask and guns down the guard closest to him with a silencer. His partner, who was confused as to why he fell, was met with the same fate. Dunk takes a deep breath as he reaches the door. He readjusts the grip he has on both guns, each in one hand. He knocks down the door and slides across the floor. He takes down 2 guards hiding behind the door before aiming for the other 2 standing near the trio. He rushes over to the trio.

"Joong, Pond, Phu! Are you okay?" He tries to untie them.

"It's a trap, Dunk! You have to leave now!" the three of them urge.

"I'm not leaving without you all!" He had only managed to untie the rope across their chest, their hands and legs still firmly tied together, before more men came charging in.

"Bend down!" Dunk instructed before he starts shooting at the people aiming at them.

Joong, Pond and Phuwin's heart were pounding. They had no way of knowing what was happening with the blindfold in place. All they heard were gunshots after gunshots. Pond felt especially helpless. With all the training that he has, he was stuck to the chair unable to protect Dunk. They could only pray that Dunk will somehow survive all the chaos.

When Dunk ran out of bullets, he grabs his combat knives instead. He sliced his way through, aiming for areas that are most fatal to his opponent. He slit the throat of the last aggressor in the room. He was panting by the end of it. His face covered in blood. His eyes wide with adrenaline.

"What a feisty kitten." Gawin walked in with 2 men. 

"I gave you an open invitation to the front door but you had to take the back door," Dunk walked towards the trio during Gawin's speech. He placed a pocket knife in Pond's hand as inconspicuously as possible while Gawin talked. Pond was surprised but had quickly tried to cut through the rope.

"You know, I almost thought you didn't come alone with what has been happening but yet here you are... standing all alone." Gawin continued on as he eyed Dunk. Dunk walked towards Gawin. He was standing just an inch from the trio but still keeping a distance from Gawin as he spoke.

"I just needed you to believe that I'm alone." Dunk smiled. Gawin was confused.

"Isn't it weird that no more men coming?" Dunk asked and he signaled to Phi Bright. The window glass shattered as Bright shot down the 2 men beside Gawin. Gawin hid from the window.

"You're more trouble that I've expected. I guess I'll need to cut it short then. Say goodbye." He fired 3 consecutive shots just as Dunk threw his knife at him aiming straight for his throat. Gawin eyes widen with shocked as the knife hit him, killing him instantly.

Joong's blindfold had somehow loosen during the fight. He saw Dunk fall in slow mo. He landed by Joong's feet.


Pond couldn't untie himself quick enough when he heard Joong shout. Win had rushed in seconds before Pond took off his blindfold. Win rushed towards Dunk, trying to get him to respond. They sighed in relief when they heard Dunk groaned.

"Phi Win, I thought you said it wouldn't hurt with the vest..." They had laughed at his response. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: This is by far the most challenging scene to build, not taking the smut scene into account (that's for a different reason all together)😅😅. I find it so hard to describe what I had in mind. I hope I did it justice. Was it an exciting chapter for you? Do let me know your thoughts. 

I know some of you are waiting for Joong's confession, dtae ja yen ja yen (but calm down)... it's coming soon... within this week, I promise. It will definitely be worth the wait. 

On a side note, I so happen to come across this art piece on pinterest (dunno who is the author though) and I begin to think... this could actually be Dunk in this EP, what do you think? though the vest is on the outside and not the inside... lhor jang loey (so handsome). I guess that's why he's the anime prince. Like I can totally imagine him as this character

 Like I can totally imagine him as this character

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