[EP 44] Pt 3: Gemini's curiosity

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Phi Dao, no, Gemini meant Phi Dunk, was like a ghost. There's nothing about him on the net. He saw an old picture of him in Zeon. He knows his full name now but that was it. He doesn't have any social media account. He doesn't have any work history after Zeon. He doesn't own a house. He doesn't own a car. He can't search about him on the secret service server. Phi Net will wring his neck if he does. It was a dead end. Fourth had asked him to take a walk to clear his mind. It wouldn't do him good if he ruminates over his failure to find more about Phi Dunk.

He came across a quaint little book café. He decided to have a look. None of the books attracted his attention. He decided to get some coffee. Probably have it to go. Fourth needs his caffeine this time of the day. He was so focused on the menu above the counter that he didn't really notice who the barista was until he asked to take his order. Gemini's eyes widen, he could recognize that voice anywhere. "Phi Dao?!"

To say Dunk was surprised was an understatement. He did not expect to meet anyone from the secret service after closing down moonshine . He was pretty sure this guy was Gemini. There was no doubt since he had met Fourth before.

"Or should I call you Phi Dunk?" Gemini smirked. Dunk's blood run cold. He knows who he is. He has to find a way to get out of this.

"Would you like to order? There's a line behind you." He motioned to the queue of restless people behind Gemini. Gemini was annoyed since he is this close to his target but he made the order. He waited for Dunk to finish serving the customers as he sat by the window with his coffee. He was enjoying the view since the queue was rather long. But by the time he looked back at the counter, Dunk was gone. The staff had said that he was done for the day. Gemini cursed, missing the chance to approach Dunk. He knows where he works now, so it's only a matter of time.

I'm not letting you get away next time.


~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

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A/N: 🤭🤭 This series is rather action oriented than the usual lovey dovey. so there was only like a short glimpse of love scene and back to action. I do hope you all enjoy. 

I wonder how Gemini is going to find Dunk...

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