[EP 31] A new case

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A new case had arrived on Phi Net's table. It was complicated at best. A new drug called moonshine has been circulating around the country. Many believed it was a harmless drug, just like any other but the longer they consume the more deadly it comes. It was highly addictive. Those who didn't die from overdose, were left brain dead from prolonged exposure. There were many warnings on the media but no one heeded it. Many deaths were reported. 

Phi Net, Phi James, Gemini and Fourth were brainstorming on what they could do. They had to act quick but they were having difficulty tapping into this syndicate. Gemini and Fourth had tried all means but they had no luck thus far.

" Should we ask that Leow Dtae Dao guy to help out? He was able to track both the moonlight and moonschein's base the last time. Or should we ask Phi? the Phi I worked with for the Tangsakyuen Industry mission, he's really good as well." Fourth suggested, hoping to work with his idol. Before Gemini could reject the suggestion, Phi Net had slammed the table shouting "No!". It surprised Gemini and Fourth as they had never seen Phi Net lose his cool. Phi Net had walked out of the meeting with Phi James chasing after him.

"Phi Net..." James started.

"No, just no. I just got him to agree to leave all of this behind."

"He won't be alone this time. He'll have us. We can protect him. He'll be doing it here. It's the safest place." James hugged Net as he persuaded him. Net buried his face into James' chest, absorbing his warmth as he lets go of his fear.

"No one can know who he is, not even Fot or Gem" James nodded at Net's demand.

"He'll work in a separate room. We'll make sure there's no traces that he was ever here." James suggested hoping to ease Net's worry, to which he agreed.

Net hopes he won't come to regret this decision.   

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: I think this is as far as I can get to explore NetJames. 

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