[EP 25] closest

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"I've cleared the base. There's only the 3 of us. Remember Dunk, you go in, you get out and we run. Get it?" Dunk nodded as Bright instructed.

"Wouldn't people get hurt if we blow this place up?" Dunk asked curiously.

"Don't worry, Dunk. No civilian will get hurt. It's a pretty self-contained blast but it will alert the police. We've cleared out anything that will implicate us and this lab will be blown to smithereens. You know where to run to after you get out?" Win asked.

"Phi Force and Phi Book are stationed close by, I'll go to them." That's the only reason why Pond allowed Dunk to work at BVC. He had told Force and Book to keep an eye out for Dunk before agreeing to it.

"You may let your friend know where their base is at but the rest we keep it for the client." Bright informed Dunk, knowing his concern for Phuwin. Dunk felt relieved with that instruction.


It was a mad dash to the exit after sending the information to the client and a crypted message to Phi Net and Phi James. Once the three of them were in the clear, a loud "boom!" could be heard. Smoke can be seen coming out of the building. It was chaos from there on. People were seen running in all direction due to the fear for their lives. Dunk spotted Phi Force in the crowd and shouted his name. Force rushed through the crowd and grabbed hold of him.

"Get him out of here, I'll contain the crowd." Force said as he thrusted Dunk to Book.

As Book guided Dunk out of the chaos, another blast occurred, sending both of them flying. Dunk had passed out on impact but Book was still conscious. He had weakly attempted to crawl to Dunk when he saw two masked men taking Dunk away. 

He blacked out. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

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A/N: 😬😬 here we go again... 😣😣 Was this exciting for you? I think I'm starting to like action genre but m not sure whether m good at it. Are you liking it so far? 

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