"you excited?" amari asked. i nodded my head excitedly. "we might have to watch over aaliyah. she gets a little wild at these parties". i simply nodded my head not wanting to engage in conversation anymore.

my phone dinged and so did amaris. it was aaliyah texting the group chat.

the big 3️⃣

aaliyah💐:we lit tn bitchesssss
amari.:we? you gon be the only one acting a fool 😂😂😂

:it's ok aaliyah
:i will get lit with you

amari.:oouuu miss word games is feeling bold tonight!!

i heard aaliyah giggle in the front seat. i rolled my eyes at amari. she silently laughed. we pulled up to the party. i got really nervous. people were in the front and the back of the house. people were even on the roof.

"bye mama" aaliyah said blowing her mom kisses. "bye ma" amari said as well. i'm guessing they're both close like that.

"bye mrs conners! have a safe ride back home" i said while getting out the car. i gained a soft smile and a bye from aaliyah's mom.

"your a kiss ass" amari said while walking by up to the door. i rolled my eyes once again. now she's making me a little upset. she always has something to say i'm sick of it.

"can you stop cursing?" i said rudely while brushing past her. i was besides aaliyah now. she was ruining my mood.

"don't mind her, she doesn't know when to stop. i got used to it" aaliyah said while interlocking arms with me. i nodded. we walked in the party and it was chaos.

people were having sexual intercourse behind the kitchen island. it smelt like so much weed inside. someone was passed out on the floor with throw up all over them. i was uncomfortable.

"lighten up myla! we about have funnnn" aaliyah shouted. she walked away from me leaving me by myself. i thought step number one was to always stick with your friends?

i relaxed a bit and moved to the kitchen. i seen that the couple was gone. i looked for a soda and it was just all liquor. i pouted and furrowed my eyebrows.

"why you looking all sad beautiful?" some random boy said while coming closer to me. i backed up but i ended up backing up into the corner.

"no reason. excuse me" i said trying to not engage with conversation. i tried to make an exit but he placed his arm in front of me.

"where you going?" he questioned me with a smirk. i started to tug on my hair getting nervous.   he clearly was not going to let me go. "answer me".

i still did not answer. i was waiting for someone's help but it seemed like no one was coming. remind me to never go out with aaliyah & amari again. how could they just leave me? it's my first time and i stated that plenty of times.

"yo shawn what the fuck you doin? back up from her" amari said gripping the boy by his collar and shoving him aside. "you crazy nigga?".

"you okay kahmyla?" amari asked. she had her hand on my waist. i froze. i didn't know what to say. "oh im sorry" amari said removing her hand from my waist and looking ashamed.

"it's okay and im fine" i said smiling softly. we both forgot shawn was even here. he walked away stumbling on himself. he was drunk. "thank you for that amari" i said while tightly hugging her.

she hesitated to hug me back but she did. she didn't want to pull away so i didn't either. "y-your welcome" amari said while looking away shyly and pulling away from the hug.

that was weird. "we should go find aaliyah" i said to amari while walking away. i felt a tug on my shirt. it was amari.

"i already did. she's passed out on the couch" amari pointed at the couch and aaliyah was laying there knocked out. "we should get going now though" amari sighed.

i sighed as well. we just got where? what did aaliyah take for her to get so messed up? i was kind of upset but it's best for us to get going so nothing else happens.

we got in aaliyah's mom car and i was the first to be dropped off. i said my goodbyes and got out. i noticed amari getting out as well. i was confused.

"what are you doing?" i asked while walking towards my door. i hope she doesn't think we are having a sleepover. my room is a little messy.

"i'm just walking you to your door kahmyla relax" she said chuckling. we both went to the door and i unlocked it with my key. "bye smarty pants" amari said laughing and walking off.

"bye miss annoying!" i wave while smiling. she's not really that bad. i'm warming up to her.

i didn't proof read

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