Chapter Twenty-Three

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So, I’m going to fast forward through most of this, because it’s kind of boring when not a whole lot is going on.

Chapter 23

~*~*~*~* Cery’s POV ~*~*~*~*

It’s already been two weeks, and Clyde and Speranza are still here. We’ve moved back into the old house, which was exciting…  Although we did have to do a lot of shopping first. We’ve completely filled up the nursery properly, and Zeno has his own room. Speranza gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, who’ll end up phasing like werewolf babies do because she’s not an evolution baby.

They named her Celeste, which means heavenly. It suits her too, she sleeps whole nights, and doesn’t scream like normal new-borns do. They keep her in the nursery, which is miserably empty right now. My stomach has started to show though, so it shouldn’t be too long before the nursery is filled with screams, and vomit and… urgh. Gross.

*Flashback to Celeste’s birth.*

Speranza and I were downstairs, tending to my cravings as usual. This time it was for eggs. Boiled eggs, slightly mashed with butter and salt. Delicious. It was only about 8:00 in the morning and the other were still getting out of bed.

Speranza suddenly leant forward, doubling over in pain and groaning. I could feel her yelling out to Clyde through the mind link, and there came a responsive thump from upstairs, and the sound of him rushing about as he grabbed the hospital bag. “Babies coming.” She groaned out painfully.

“I’ll get Oratio.” I declared, moving out of the room calmly, but still clutching my bowl of egg and eating it as I made my way upstairs to the study, where I knew he would be.

I opened the door and he looked up, giving me an irritated look. “Sweetie, I’m trying to work….” He trailed off. “I know, but Speranza just started her contractions, so could you contact the pack doctor? I’m going to go in the car with Clyde to give them directions, and I’ll probably stay there until the baby is born.” I told him, still casually eating my bowl of egg.

He gave me an odd look, like it wasn’t every day that children were brought into the world. I suppose as a werewolf it was an exciting thing, but I came from a HUGE family. It’s only exciting the first 15 times, then it kind of becomes normal.

I mean, I want to meet my niece or nephew, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t think the actual birth process is anything to get my knickers in a knot about. Speranza is going to scream, and be in pain, and then she’s going to push a little kitten out of her. It’s going to be disgusting and bloody. Panicking is not going to help her situation, and being excited about blood is just weird.

I’m weird, but I’m not that weird.

Soon we were at the hospital, and both Speranza and Clyde had gone into the birthing room, I was waiting outside. They would only let one person in… Not that I really wanted to see someone else give birth… I bet it looked absolutely horrible. I shuddered. Ew. Ewwie, ew, ew, ew. Get that nasty image out of my head.

I shook my head as I waited… And waited… And waited. It was about 6 hours until Oratio came and took me home, saying that Clyde would text us when the baby came, and we would visit them tomorrow, when Speranza would be a little more rested.

And Clyde did text us, another four hours later. Yes, she spent 10 hours in labour. It really took that long, but in my mind she was lucky. For my first time it had taken me a while longer, and I was having contractions for about 24 hours before hand. It sucked.

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