Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter 16

~*~*~* Cerys POV ~*~*~*

I paused as he looked up from his work, smiling at me. I guess the affection hasn’t worn off yet then. “Hello Cerys, Oratio has been doing so much better since you’ve been back. How are you and the little one?” He greeted me cheerfully and warmly, settling some of the anxiety in my stomach.

Well, here is the moment of truth. I almost giggled out loud when I realized how old my thoughts made me seem. Huh. Maybe I should have changed before talking to him about this… I looked down at myself and noted my pyjamas, Oratio’s old Metallica shirt.

“Um, Well… We’ve been better. I actually need to talk to you about the pack member Megan, if it’s alright?” I looked him in the eye, determined not to show how nervous I was about this. What if he doesn’t take me seriously or takes the side of her instead of Zeno’s? I’d have to leave again, I can’t have him somewhere where he can’t grow up in a safe environment. I shook my head when I realized I thought that the dark, ominous woods would be a better place to raise a child then the warm house.

“I know she has been making your life difficult for now, but I’m sure she’ll warm up to the two of you soon.” He frowned, talking about the slut as though she was a child. I mentally did a double take maybe she has something wrong with her… No, I won’t feel pity. Not after what she did to Zeno.

“About that, sir…” “Please, call me Dad or Granddaddy.” He smiled, his eyes crinkling up at the edges as he looked towards Zeno who slowly removed his face from my neck and looked at him from the corner of his eye shyly.

“Um… Dad…” I felt the word on my tongue. It felt natural and not awkward at all, which surprised me. It was as though he was my other father. “Megan attacked Zeno the other night, and I feel that he’s not safe with her-“ I broke off as I watched the Alpha’s – I mean dad’s – face become red and start to swell up.

He sort of looked like an angry toad. I cleared my throat, slightly scared, before continuing “She attacked Zeno and I feel that he’s not safe with her in the same home as she is. If you don’t wish to remove that- that woman” I sputtered a little before continuing, feeling the fear and sadness being replaced with a maternal anger towards her for hurting my kin. “I wish that you would at least provide another source of housing for my son and I. As guests in this pack I know I have no say in how you use your authority in this situation, but I would at least ask that you punish her in a way that you deem suitable for her actions against my son.”

I finished, glancing up at the Alpha again, and saw his eyes changing from his natural green to a black and then back again. He must really be furious… Maybe I should get out of the room for a little bit and let him think about it first… Zeno made a strange squeaking sound, letting himself be known in the room. My first thoughts were to flee before the man turned on us… But it seemed to calm him down enough in order to stay in human form and reply to my words.

“She seriously did that?” He broke away from his formal Alpha mode and into… a normal person… “I’ll have her removed from the pack.” He growled, barely controlling his anger as his eyes flicked back to black and then green once more. “Granddaddy, why did the mean lady hurt me?” Zeno asked him, his voice small. I was surprised at the effect he had on the scary Alpha in front of me, who seemed to cling to his humanity just for the small child in my arms.

I tensed as he walked closer to me, before he bent down to Zeno’s level and spoke to him. “The lady doesn’t like mummy because she thinks that she can do a better job than mummy can at being really really awesome. But we both know that no-one can be better than mummy, right? So she’s jealous of you and mummy because of how much Daddy loves you too. But it’s okay, because granddaddy is going to tell her off for being mean.” He smiled at Zeno and fondly ruffled his hair before walking out of the room, seemingly calmer than before.

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