Chapter Twenty

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Chapter 20

~*~*~* Cerys’ POV ~*~*~*

I woke up to Zeno jumping up and down on me again, and Oratio snoring into my ear like the kraken, if the Kraken was to snore that is. Unfortunately, some things never change. I sighed, before attempting to sit up despite the fact that a little kitten was jumping on me. “Sweetie stop, mummy is awake, see?” I managed to sit myself upright and I smiled down Zeno who only looked at me crossly.

“You never came in the room with me last night! You left me!” He accused me grumpily. I frowned, remembering what had happened last night and I looked down quickly, to see that I was wearing Oratio’s shirt from yesterday. Thank goodness for that, I almost giggled.

“Mummy is sorry! Daddy and I were making up for being cross with each other before.” I tried to sooth my little one, who only looked at me frowning. “See? Mummy and Daddy aren’t angry with each other anymore.” I leant over and kissed the snoring bear on the forehead for good measure.

It seemed to work, because Zeno uncrossed his arms and nodded his head. He really was a little person with his own personality. I sighed again, today was going to be a difficult day. “Zeno, Daddy and I are getting married properly soon. Would you like to hold the rings for us?” I smiled at him and he nodded in reply, still a little sour that we hadn’t come and slept with him like we normally did.

I know that he was getting a little too old to be sharing a room with his parents, but it was what we were both used too. He was probably more afraid of what happened the first time he had slept on his own when Megan was still in the house. “We have to dress up really nicely today, because we’re going to be introduced to the rest of the pack properly, and we’re going to tell everyone that Daddy and I are getting married. Want to help me chose some nice clothes before we go and have breakfast?” This time he smiled at me. I guess he wanted to feel more like an adult, and helping me chose clothes rather than me helping him chose clothes was making him feel more independent.

I guess he did need to learn to be a little more self-reliant now. I couldn’t help the twinge I felt in my stomach when I thought of my little boy growing up. He was my first born, I guess that I was supposed to feel like this about him.

I smiled tiredly as he jumped off of me and tried to pull me out of bed. “Hey, hey.” I nudged him in the small of his back as I untangled myself from the sheets and let him pull me out of Oratio’s room and into our own. “You have to be more gently with mummy now, because I have your little brothers and sisters sleeping inside of me.” He mumbled a reply, before telling me to sit on our bed as he opened our closet.

Wynne had gone clothes shopping for us when we had first arrived, so I did have quite a range of clothes, I just chose not to wear most of them. “You should wear a dress today mummy!” He nodded to himself, completely satisfied with his thoughts.

“Okay, will you go and chose me a pretty dress. It has to be light colours though. Dark dresses are for night time and we’re going to have a barbeque at lunch with the other pack members.” I informed him and he nodded, before practically diving into the huge closet.

I supposed I’d better find him something to wear too. The day wouldn’t be completely formal, but we had to dress nicely in order to make a good impression on the rest of the pack members. I stood and walked over to the large mahogany dresser that Zeno and I shared. I tried to ignore the squeaks that he made as he went through all of the dresses that Wynne had brought for me as I chose out his clothes.

Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea, letting him chose what I should wear. Oh well, I can’t exactly go back on my word now. Not without making him mad at me again. AA ball of anxiety grew in my stomach, I just hoped that I wouldn’t look too ridiculous, after a child had decided what I should wear.

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