Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter 28

See now, Imma make everything better so you guys can’t be angry at me…

~*~*~*~* Cerys’ POV ~*~*~*~*

I woke up in a room – a little girl’s room. The top half of the walls were painted a cream white, while the bottom half were baby pink. I sat up suddenly, shock written across my face and probably contorting it into a very unattractive one. What? Where am I? I was… I stopped, tears falling down my face and falling into the white bed sheets that I found myself surrounded in. It really was a little girl’s room – they were lacy.

I stopped, a flicker of white moving to my left… Only to my horror it was attached to my arm. I jumped out of bed gasping. What the hell?! EW. I was dressed in one of the old fashioned night gowns – white and lacy. Like everything else in the room.

“Cerys! Cerys, dear it’s time to get up for breakfast!” A feminine voice called out from the other end of the house – or at least I assumed it was the other end of the house. The voice had a strange English accent to it, it wasn’t Australian or American. What the fuck. What the fuckity fuck of fucks.

Normally I tried not to swear, but today it just felt fitting. This was too weird. I was stuck in the room… With the guns.. And… Now… My vision blurred – just as a tall figure stepped through the door and I heard a thump as my body hit the floor.

Of course my body would decide to act like a little bitch and faint at the worst time. I groaned as my eyelids fluttered open, the tall figure fussing about me while there was another figure in a white looking coat. I blinked again, my eyes finally focussing properly.

“Oh sweetie! I was so worried about you!” The thing above me fluttered. “What?” I asked, my voice coming out overly high… As in, a little girl’s voice high. WHAT THE FUCK?! My eyes started to roll back into my head as I realized why the figures in front of me were so tall.

“Calm down now, Calm down. Maybe I should leave so you can explain everything to her.” The doctor’s deep voice rang out through my dizziness, grounding me. “Yes, that might be for the best.” The female figure looked down at me sadly. Although for once, her face held no trace of pity. Just sadness for whatever was going to come next.

Nothing could be as bad as that. Nothing else could break me like that did. I looked up at her, tears silently falling down my face as I waited for her to tell me – for her to give me something. Something that I could understand to hold on to.

I knew that it wasn’t a lie, that none of that had been a dream. Dreams don’t hurt like that, you don’t remember everything in a dream. Even if she told me that I was just her little girl – I wouldn’t believe her… And something in her face told me that she knew that. No-one was going to lie to me right now, I wouldn’t take it. I couldn’t.

“Little one, this is the world of light. Everything that is good come here after death. It’s a place of happiness and peace… But we weren’t ready for everyone to come here, and so you don’t have your own family. You don’t have your own place to be born into that’s perfect for you.” She frowned, lifting me onto a bed and sitting next to me on it.

“Something went wrong and all of a sudden we had millions coming in.” I looked at her in confusion, is this heaven? Does that mean that she’s one of the God’s that chooses us, chooses out fates and our mates?

She smiled at me, chuckling. “Yes, I’m one of the Gods. And I guess we took too much time settled up here to notice what was going on down there, down where you were. There had been another war like that, many years ago. Do you remember? Yes. But we had noticed, it had taken a while for us to realize how bad the situation was, but we had noticed.”

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