Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

“NO! STOP!” Wynne screamed, freezing all of the male wolves in their tracks. She slowly crept towards me, staring at me intently. “Cerys?” She whispered, and I could only nod in reply. “Where have you been? Where’s Zeno?” Her eyes started to fill with tears. Surely it’s not that much of a bad thing that I’ve come back, is it? Wait, have I really come back?

I frowned in confusion. “Zeno is here. I’ve been... places...” I ended vaguely, far too surprised that she remembered me. But the confusion didn’t stop there. I couldn’t help but feel slightly horrified when she threw herself down beside me, and tried to crawl onto my lap as she sobbed loudly. “I’m so glad you’re back. You can fix him. You don’t understand what it’s been like since you’ve been gone.”

Her tears quickly soaked through my T-shirt. “He’s so miserable, Cerys. He hasn’t been able to become Alpha.” I couldn’t help but sigh. Is it a normal werewolf thing to be this emotional? He should have taken over, no matter what happens to me. He should have mated with someone else.

Oratio was being irresponsible, even if it made me feel insanely happy that he still loves me. “You have to come back and stay, please Cerys” Wynne’s body shook against mine. “The Alpha is starting to take it out on the rest of us, because Oratio won’t mate again, and he won’t take the Alpha duties.” I could practically feel the poor girl’s misery, as it flowed off of her in waves.

“That’s what I’m here for” I soothed, feeling guilty that I had wanted to leave as soon as I had realized where I was. I guess there’s no backing out now. I have to get Oratio to take up his responsibilities again. He’s not a child, he’s a man. He’s a man in charge of a lot of other people and he needs to start acting that way.

But I knew, deep down that making him see reality wasn’t why I was going to stay.

~Time warp!! She’s outside of the Alpha’s house!~

I leapt out of the car, the ride had been pretty surprising for me. Who would have known that I would still remember where this house is, after driving past it a few times five years ago. Maybe I had paid more attention than I thought. I internally scolded myself, trying to stop myself from jumping about in excitement as I pulled open the passenger door of the ute and lifted out the once again sleeping Zeno.

On the drive to the pack house, Wynne had insisted on riding in the ute with me, and had proceeded to fill me in on how life in the pack had went in my absence. There had been many births, few deaths, and a lot of marriages. Besides Oratio becoming an alcoholic and neglecting his duties to the point of his little brother taking up training to become an alpha, not a whole lot of things had happened that would have truly caught my interest.

How stupid can someone be? Seriously? He had one job, ONE JOB. I rolled my eyes, continuing the little rant inside my head as we walked up to the door of the house. He was born to be a bloody Alpha and the bloody drongo goes and acts like a tin lid!

The door bangs open, startling Zeno and making him cry quietly. “Shhh, Zee...” I bounced him slightly on my hip. Even though he was five, he was still my little baby and it still comforted him. I glared up at the idiot who scared my little kitten, only to have Oratio gawp back at me from the doorway.

“You came baaaackkkkkkkkkkk” He slurred at me, obviously drunk. I stared at him in disgust as I watch my ‘mate’ sway as he held onto the doorway. He reeked of booze, and hobo cologne. “Yeah I did. But seeing you made me wish I hadn’t. Look at yourself, Oratio. Really look at yourself. You’re pathetic.” I told him what I knew he had to be told, but seeing the shock and hurt on his face almost made me want to take all of my words back, and set them on fire. “You’re not Alpha material, and you’re definitely not Father material. If you don’t shape up in the next few days I’m going to leave again. I want the best for my son, someone who would be a good influence.” I shook my head condescendingly at him as his mouth opened into an O and tears started falling from his eyes.

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