Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter 24

We made it down into the shelter below the house before the Alpha began to link us what was happening at his end. The door closed behind us and we were left in the large room alone, and hopefully safe. It was made for when the witches and warlocks were warring with us. It was hard to find the entrance from inside the house, and unbreakable by magic from the outside.

Which was good for us, because the Alpha was linking us his sight too, which meant that all of us were so wrapped up in what we saw happening, that we probably wouldn’t have seen it if someone was attacking us, not until we felt their blows anyway.

Through dad’s eyes I saw the slut that had hurt my baby. She looked exactly the same as she had before, Her hair was still sticking to her scalp and she had way too much make up on, her entire face looked as though Zeno had drawn it with a low-grade crayon. Or maybe it was just Slenderman trying to disguise himself as a normal person… No-one would ever know.

She was standing just before the borderline of the packs territory. Close enough to test the nerves of all of the wolves present, and most of the wolves watching, but not close enough for them to be able to attack her with reason. Standing next to her was a slimy-looking guy, who had her arm around her.

Yuck, she had been banished and she was already whoring around in some other area. This chick just never learns.

“State your business.” Dad said to her, stiffly. I could almost feel his emotions through the link. He seemed angry, and yet pitying at the same time. There’s no use pitying some-one who just wouldn’t be able to understand you anyway.

She smirked at him, eyeing him before answering. Ew. He has her eye-cooties. I thought, rather immaturely to myself. I just couldn’t help how much I hated the woman. I wanted her to suffer for what she did to my family, and how she tried to break us apart. It’s none of her business, and it’s not her place to stick her nose in.

“You know why I’m here, I’m here to get my revenge. I’m just making sure that you idiots know that it’s me that caused this. I want you all to understand that it’s your faults this is happening. Because YOU betrayed ME, to that stupid kitten.” She snarled out the last sentence, her words completely poisoned with venom.

At least the feeling is mutual, then.

“Today is when your world will start to fall apart, to the point where you’re either dead, or you have nothing left. Do you understand?” And with that, she turned and walked away, not waiting for Dad to reply to her. Figures. She’s too scared that we’ll call her out on her bluff.

But the man who had his arm around her waist paused, and smirked evilly at dad before he followed behind her, both of them hurrying back through the forest, back the way that they had came. The Alpha cut the mind link with the rest of the pack, after he told them all to stay put if they were in a safe place, or to find one if they weren’t.

There was something in the eyes of the man that had followed Megan that made me think that maybe this wasn’t a joke, and maybe she really was going to try to destroy us all.

Either way, something big was going to happen today, even if it was just the realization that Megan really is a stupid bitch, or she’s a stupid bitch who knows how to hurt a lot of people. I turned to Oratio “Let’s stay here for now. It’s better to be safe than sorry, right?”

He nodded, probably feeling my anxiety through our bond. “Better safe than sorry.” He agreed, as we both turned to watch the children playing in the corner of the shelter. The other pack members would go to the other shelters, and Zeno’s friend’s parents have already said that they would prefer he stay with us at the moment, rather than travel in the open where it might be safe.

I could just imagine how awkward it would be for human tourists passing through this town right now. Everyone was inside, hiding and waiting. The town would look empty and deserted, but new to the point of trash lying around in random places. Just think of the confusion on their faces!

Speranza sat with Celeste in her arms, quietly talking to Clyde. Eventually Oratio and I got up to join the two children in play, it had been about two hours and we were getting bored and frustrated from being stuck in the room. Sure, neither of us wanted to be there, but we were waiting on more orders from dad.

Because we had just settled into the house and were expecting a full litter, mum and dad had decided that it would better for dad to keep the title of Alpha until we were used to having so many little ones running around. It was sweet of them, and useful in this situation. I doubt Oratio and I would have known how to handle it properly….

But then again, you can’t really train for this kind of thing. All you can do is wait, and watch. Caution is always a good way to act if you’re not sure about a situation, and he had the lives of over a hundred people at stake.

And so we waited, stuck in rooms below the ground. There was only one exit and entry to the rooms too, which just made it feel more claustrophobic. It was easier to defend the opening that way, but it also meant they would be trapped. I don’t know if the pack thought about this when they were building them, but I really don’t want to know what would happen in a fire started in the house, and in the shelter.

I wish I could be anywhere but here.


So I know this is short, but the next one is going to be horrifically long, so shush.

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