Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Alright, well. I can’t go that way... I mumbled to myself about which direction to take as I got into my Ute, Zeno already strapped in and ready to go in the back seat. Staying with Oratio had other benefits, such as the fact that my water tank was full, I had replenished all of my emergency supplies and had a whole new bunch of clothes too!

But I couldn’t help but notice that something felt different about my Ute since the last time I had gotten into it... Conscious that is. Reaching over to the passenger’s side of the Ute, I opened the glove box... And found a bunch of CD’s my brother had left in there. Score! Something to listen too!! Clyde had left a range of music from old pop, to metal and rock. I sniggered to myself softly as I saw a CD of the Venga Boys. Ah. The sweet memories. Nothing like running away from a werewolf pack while listening to ‘Boom Boom Boom Boom’

Sliding the disk into the CD player, I blasted the music and sung along as I gunned it out of the parking complex. Man I must look like such a weirdo right now to anyone looking at me. I shook my head and laughed to myself as I drove, society becoming nothing more than a blot behind me and with my entire world in a truck.

Usually I would have been ecstatic, but why did I feel so alone?

*** Clyde’s POV ***

I rushed out of the hotel room and into my own conjoining room. Seriously? This seriously can’t be happening. I’ll probably get into my car, and down the road and then I’ll wake up and all of this would have been a dream, Cerys will still be sleeping. My imagination is just too excited. This seriously can’t be happening...

The thoughts repeated themselves over and over in my head, like a broken record player. The dread made my movements hysteric, to any human watching I would have looked like I was having some kind of epileptic fit as I threw all of my belongings into a single suitcase. My entire life, in a suitcase. I laughed derisively. And we were going to be a family again. I was so excited to have a nephew, and my sister. I didn’t realize that... I hurried into the elevator and into the carpark where my own Ute was waiting. My thoughts nothing but a hurricane of accusations, dread and sorrow. I’m so stupid. SO, so stupid. How could I not have realized that a wolf wouldn’t have one of us around without a proper reason? You couldn’t defy reality. I had missed an important bit of information in my excitement to have my baby sister back with me.

Urgh. I am such a drongo. I continued to swear at myself as I threw my case in the back of the truck, rushed into the vehicle and revved the engine. The tires screeched against the surface of the ground as I sped away from the car park, and hopefully away from any violent accusations that pack would have against me for taking their Luna away. I was too busy thinking about my own problems to think about whether or not my sister was lying about returning to the pack after a short break.

She wasn’t the one being hunted, right? I had my own problems right now.

The hurricane in my mind continued until the city was like a speck of dust behind me, my sister in a different direction to me. But what about my Nephew? The females of our kinds would always have a full litter every so many years for the survival of our race to continue in the instance of a couple being unable to mate, or the emergency of one being left alone. But none of them ever survived unless there was a male present throughout the birth. Cerys had been on her own, and her and the child were rushed to hospital. That Oreo boy... I hissed through my teeth at the thought of a stranger handling my sister and nephew... He was only there after the birth.

But then again, true soul mates. Which means that Zeno would have taken on half of his genetic material in the time frame that she was there. I planted my foot on the brake so strongly that the truck screeched to a stop in the middle of the road. Damn, damn, damn, damn fuck. I repeated in my head over and over again as I smashed my head against the steering wheel. A half cat, half werewolf baby without the werewolf parent to help it through phases. I didn’t know a whole lot about the... mechanics... of a werewolf but I knew that they phased differently to our children. She needs to go back to the pack, now.

I shook my head. It was too late to tell her, to convince her to go back. We could only hope for the best. Zeno is a strong kit. If he has taken enough of the genetic material from that Oreo, then he’ll be fine and so will she... Until the phasing time for the wolf. I shook my head, my week was only getting worse and worse.

I carefully pressed the play button on the audio system next to me, Jerk blasting through the speakers. It wasn’t much, but the noise could distract me enough so that I would get where I’m going, away from this mess, without too much hassle.

I knew that life would never be easy, but did it have to be this hard? The road blurred a little through tears that had suddenly appeared in my eyes. I wiped them away angrily and concentrated on the music, and the road in front of me while I left everything else behind.

*** Oratio’s POV ***

~~Everything before me is painted red, the walls and ceiling are splattered with a mixture of gore and blood. Behind me, Cerys whimpers as tears fall from her dark eyes. I had never meant to do this, it wasn’t meant to go this far. But it was what had to be done. They all had to pay for taking my love away from me, for taking my child. An unearthly growl erupted from my chest, a growl that even an Alpha would shy away from. I will protect my family no matter the price. Turning around to embrace my love, I see Zeno in her arms, bloodied and battered from the fight. To her left lay some of the pieces of my father...~~

I woke up with a scream, gasping for air and breaking away from the nightmare that had lain before me. But that’s all it was, a nightmare. Father rose from his chair and looked at me, his eyes filled with concern.

So that was it, She had been kidnapped and we had no idea of where she had been taken, or with whom. “I’m sorry, Son. But we had too...” He father’s eyes were downcast as he motioned to the burns on my wrists and ankles from the silver. But they were already healing, so it didn’t matter. What mattered was that someone had my mate, and was probably hurting her. I hadn’t even marked her so I couldn’t talk to her through the mind link.

I snarled to myself internally. I should have listened to my wolf.

Told you so, and now she’s gone, and this is your fault! He snapped at me, desolation dripping off of his words to the point that I could taste it above my own.

And that was the last time I heard from him for a long time. He turned his back on me and I felt another part of my heart break. First my mate and now my wolf, I really was alone.

“No harm done” I smile up at my father, but the tears were bright in my eyes “We’ll find her, won’t we? She’ll be back, you’ll bring her back to me” I could hear the desperation in my voice, but could do nothing to prevent it.

“We’ll do everything we can.” He reached down and rubbed his hands on my scalp, like he used to when I was just a mere pup. I couldn’t find any comfort from his words or his actions. Nothing felt right without here by my side.

Surely she was feeling the same? She had rejected my in the beginning, but she loved me. She had shown it through her actions. We will find a way to be together again...

I tried to assure myself, but I could feel that deep down, something wasn’t right. As the days passed by and there was no sign of her, of my dark-skinned beauty, the memory of my former self also passed by as I became an empty vessel. Without her in my life, I had nothing...

Without you, I am nothing. Please come back to me.

As was routine now, I cried myself to sleep. The last of my masculinity had been stripped from me long ago when she had been stolen from me. I cried as I begged all of the Gods and Goddesses above to bring her back to me safe and soon.

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