Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter 19

~*~*~*~* Cerys’ POV ~*~*~*~*

By the time we decided to head back to the car and to the pack house, it was decided that we would move back to the old house that Oratio and I had lived in when I had first been taken into the town. It was needed after all, with the new littler on the way. We only decided that we would be moving in sooner rather than later.

As in, tomorrow. I also didn’t want to be fat on my wedding day, so we decided that we were either going to get married in exactly a month, or next year entirely. The big part was figuring out how to tell the rest of the pack what was happening.

Oratio led me back to the car in silence, but it was a comfortable silence. Then again, things were rarely awkward between the two of us. I wasn’t sure if that was just how we were together, or if it was because of the bond that the Gods had bestowed on us. I guess it didn’t matter too much, he made me happy and I made him happy. There really wasn’t much else to it.

I held his hand on the way back to the house too, trying to avoid continually glancing at the new rock on my finger, or staring at it altogether. I was really excited, believe me. There were just too many things to do beforehand. Right now wasn’t the time to get caught up in my fairy tales. Fairy tales were for story books, and children. This was real life, it was my life. And we had to do these things.

“Thank you.” Oratio said softly, without looking at me – his eyes firmly concentrated on the road.

“For what?” I chose not to look at him either, things were about to get a lot more complicated after all. Better, but still more complicated.

“For being here, for saying yes and for forgiving all of those times that I’ve done something stupid.” His voice was almost a whisper at the end. Although he was my mate, he was still the Alpha’s son. These things didn’t come easily to him, apparently. Not that they did for normal people…

“I would do all of those thing again, if I was given a chance. Life is too short to be angry at the ones that you’re supposed to love.” I turned to him and smiled, I hadn’t had much to live for before I had come back here. Sure, I loved my little Zeno to the end reaches of the Galaxy and back again… But one day he was going to grow up and leave me.

The knowledge of that had weighed heavily on my shoulders, but Oratio had relieved me of most of my load. If I was going to live for an abnormally long time in comparison to humans, he would be here by my side making sure that I wouldn’t have to live all of those days on my own. And that’s all that I needed, knowing that I wasn’t alone.

We arrived back at his parent’s house, and he opened all of the doors for me on the way to our bedroom. Yes, I had decided to share a room with him again. Thank goodness his parents seemed to have figured that we would be out late together, Zeno was already curled up asleep on the top of the bed.

“Wait” I whispered to him as he went to pull off his shirt and climb into bed “Firstly, you haven’t showered so that’s gross. Secondly… I think that we should mate.” He had started to walk towards me in preparation for a shower. He didn’t even groan like he would have, five years ago. But apparently the last part of what I had to say had surprised him, because he had frozen in shock, his mouth forming a little O before he straightened up and smiled at me in glee.

“Tonight would be the perfect night to do so too, after you had proposed to me and everything.” I smiled, trying to make it seductive. I thought that it probably looked like the crazed smile of an inmate, but apparently it worked, judging by the soft groan escaping his lips…

Then again, that could have just as well been caused by the idea of us rolling in between the sheets in the act of mating. But, for the sake of my pride I’ll go and say that it was my wonderful seductive smile.

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