Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine          

As Clyde stepped into the room, he raised his eyebrow at us as he judged the situation like I always remembered him doing, even as a small child. “Are you two bonding now, or something?” I couldn’t help but note the suspicion evident in his voice, as though this Zack boy would tell me their evil plans to rule the world or something... I seriously hoped that wasn’t the case.

“Zack here was feeding me, something that YOU neglected to do” I accused him “What was with the whole ‘oh! It’d be a great idea to kidnap my own sister by making her pass out with chloroform and then  leaving her alone in some apartment without telling her anything!’ That’s a really nice thing to do for someone you haven’t seen in years!!” I practically shouted out at him, feeling the beginning of the temper tantrum I had been holding off on start to form its way into the open.

“Well, I needed you out, and I didn’t want you to put up a fight. You had seemed pretty cosy there, with some dog boy. Sleeping with him in the same bed, sharing his food.” He snarled at me “So, you were STALKING ME?” I laughed sarcastically “That’s just great. That’s even better.” I shook my head at my brother “You just spent all of that time stalking me, and not even bothering to find out what I was doing. Aren’t you just the doting brother?” I gave him one last glare, before scooping up Zeno and marching back into the bedroom, slamming the door behind myself mercilessly.

I could hear Zack muttering to Clyde from the other side of the door “Shouldn’t have done that dude. Never fuck with the mother kitty.” I sniggered; he seriously just called me a kitty? “You should probably think about it from her point of view, not just yours. I know you’re stressed about everything that’s going on right now, but she’s your sister and she’s been through her fair share of shit too.” He even sounded convincing to me... Good luck trying to change the mind of my brother, though. I rolled my eyes.

To my surprise I hear a strange sound similar to a really really old guy letting out a slow, wheezy fart. I suppose it was Clyde sighing or something. “I suppose you’re right. I’ll go and bring her some cake or something to apologise.” He’s apologizing? No way am I going to forgive this bugger for upsetting me like this when he’s the reason I’m here in the first – wait, cake? I pause by the door, waiting to see if I had heard right. Zeno mewled at me, still wrapped in my arms. “Shh, looks like Uncle Clyde might be good for something; he said he would be bringing mummy some cake to make up for upsetting her!” I smiled down at my little kitten, which made everything seem better.

I glance back at the door and Clyde knocked quietly at the door “Hey sis, I brought you some cake. Unlock the door so we can talk?” I could hear the weariness practically dripping off of every word he says. I slowly open the door for Clyde, and let him in while simultaneously grabbing the cake out of his hand and starting to stuff it into my mouth making him laugh. “Still the same as always little sis, you look like a little chipmunk.” I rolled my eyes at him and continued to eat the plate of baked deliciousness. “So.. meriotrhmklm iohwtgkln” I mumbled through a mouth full of cake “What?” Clyde looks at me with a confused expression written all over his face. Glaring at him I swallow before trying again “So... what is it you wanted to say to me?” I raise my eyebrows as I continued to eat the cake, only slower this time now I know he won’t take the precious baked goods away.

“Well, Iapologisefortakingyouawaylikethat and I wanted to ask you why you were staying with those disgusting dogs.” He hurriedly rushed over the apology, and spat out the last of his sentence. Putting the empty plate and fork on top of a dresser, I turn to look at my brother properly “Sorry? I didn’t hear the first part of your sentence.” I glance at him smugly as his smile fell off of his face, trying to ignore the angry feeling in my stomach that appeared after he had insulting Oratio. “I said I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have taken you away like that, it was just easier then telling you and planning it with you. You would have freaked out if I had told you, and asked for an explanation and to pack everything. If you’re wondering, I did pack all of your things, and it’s all in your Ute in the car park of this hotel. Now why were you with those dogs?” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

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