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Od P.O.V
"What's good boss man?" One of the guys who worked at the shop spoke.

"Sup," I replied making him look at me.

"I haven't seen you in a minute. How's life treating you? I've been taking care of the shop for you too. No worries," he told me as I nodded my head. It was clean, smelled good, and he was making a lot of money so they were fast and efficient.

"I'm straight. My twins just turned 4. It's crazy. You wanna raise?" I asked him a she looked at me confused and shocked.

"A raise? Boss that wasn't why I told you the shop was fine. I was-,"

"Nah. I'm asking you," I replied as he looked around.

"Uh...yea?" He replied as I nodded my head.

"Ok. You'll get one. And a bonus. You've been holding my spot down. Appreciate that," I told him as he nodded his head.

"Of course boss man. Everyone goes through things and I wanted to help out more. No biggie," he spoke as I nodded my head.

"Thanks. I'm going home. You'll get a bonus too. I see the work you're doing as manager," I told him before walking out of the shop. I looked back for a second and saw him standing there smiling and looking at the desk doing lapsed work. He deserves that shit. I mean he's been running this bitch by himself for so long. Getting the other employees together and making sure my place was running smoothly and that it was clean. Great manager.

I hopped in my car and headed straight back home. Ro was gone because he had taken the kids to school and was helping Seph pick out her apartment. So I was about to have the house to myself for a little bit.

I stopped and grabbed myself already cut-up watermelon from Randazzo's before heading back home happy that I had my snack. When I arrived home I went straight into the house and took my shoes off. I put my watermelon up and turned on the Bluetooth that we had in our ceiling in the kitchen. I grabbed the mop and the big bucket of cleaning supplies that nigga left here and took out a few that I need. I just feel like cleaning. I started with the dishes from dinner last night while I hummed along to the song. I cleaned off the counters the microwave and even my fridge. I decided to clean it out just to be extra clean.

I swept and mopped the floors before moving to the next room. The dining room. Times like this I honestly wish Justice was here so I didn't have to clean this mansion on my own. Oh well, good riddance.

After I got done I put away all my supplies and looked at the time. Damn, I've been cleaning the whole house for hours. Not that I even had to do a lot upstairs because we didn't even use every room in the house. I walked into the bedroom and stripped out of my clothes walking in the bathroom. I turned on the water in the shower and grabbed my towels. I stopped in front of the mirror and looked at myself.

Damn...being depressed sure made me look different. I was of course better now, but I had lost a lot of weight and muscle definition. I need to hit the gym again. Maybe I'll have my Ro train me again. I yawned feeling slightly tired as I continued looking at my body. Now I'm 6'4 and lanky. I hated myself before with the extra weight and wanted to be lean and cut like Ro, now I wish I was back at that body because like he said it wasn't that bad. I'll just have to bulk up again. I looked at how hairy I was all over and thought to myself.

Why not have an Od pamper day? That's what my therapist recommended. She knows how hard it is to have a kid and three of them at that and run businesses and to be a spouse. All while being autistic. She recommended that at LEAST once a week I should have a day where I just do self-care. Now I was never the type of nigga to do facials and moisturize and use all these different products, mostly because I didn't like the texture to a lot of shit, the smells were weird to me, I just had a lot of sensory problems. Then I never really thought anything was important except for basic ass lotion and shit.

Rags to Riches II (Sequel to Rags to Riches)Where stories live. Discover now