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Devoreaux P.O.V
"Poppa, Can I have 1 trillion dollars?" Avery asked me as I looked at her lost.

"What the fuck you need 1 trillion dollars for?" Od asked her making her giggle.

"To save the turtles," she told him making me chuckle.

"How about we just start with one turtle," I told her as I watched CeCe peek around the corner.

"For Christmas?" She asked me as I nodded my head chuckling.

"Yes!" She exclaimed rubbing off to where CeCe was before whispering terribly to her. "It worked!"

Ask for something ridiculous so you get what you really want. Smart girl.

"That turtle gone die," Od said to me making me laugh.

"Don't talk about your future grandchild," I told him as he gagged playfully.

"Grandchild. Me a grandparent? Could never," he spoke making me laugh and kiss his cheek. "I can't wait until tonight. I'm so fucking hungry bro,"

"I know baby. Me too. That's that written rule of Thanksgiving though. No eating until dinner," I spoke making him chuckle and look at me.

"I know. I just need a nibble. We still got like 3 hours. Then all them kids finna be here. Imma hide in the basement," he spoke making me chuckle.

"Just wear your headphones. It's Thanksgiving and you know those kids are going to be looking for you and following you around anyway," I told him as he groaned throwing his head back.

"AHHHH!" We heard making us both snap our head over to Calais who was standing at the bottom of the stairs shaking as he looked at Od. Od rolled his eyes groaning as I chuckled watching Calais run over to him excitedly. He's so happy to see his daddy.

"Hi bro," he spoke kissing his cheek making him cover his face and lay on Od's shoulder and look at me.

"Hi Calais," I spoke making him smile and turn away from me before looking at me again making me do it again. "Hi, man,"

He giggled and then turned away again before sneezing on Od's shoulder making him smack his lips and put him on the floor.

"Why?" He asked him as Calais started whining and reaching up for him. Od got up and grabbed some paper towels and cleaned off his shoulder. Yeah I know he was grossed out about that. He does not like germs.

"Hi, Dev. Hi, Od. Is there anything you guys need me to do before I start cleaning up the children's rooms?" I heard Justice say as he walked into the kitchen where Od and I were sitting and talking. Od side-eyed him before rolling his eyes and looking away. I watched as Justice shifted on his feet looking uncomfortable before looking over at me and changing his expression to a forced smile.

"Od, knock it off...no not right now Justice. Thank you though. After you do the kids rooms you can be fine for the day. It should be time or around the time for us to eat by the time you get done," I told him as he nodded his head giving me a small smile.

"Don't talk to me," Od replied making me smack my lips. "He gotta eat Thanksgiving dinner with us?"

"Well, his family doesn't stay here so I invited him to stay and eat with us. I didn't want him to be alone in the guest house on Thanksgiving," I told him as he scoffed.

"Y-You know what? It's really no problem. I'll just order something and stay in the guest house once I'm done cleaning. Thank you for inviting me earlier Dev. I appreciate it. I hope you two have a wonderful dinner," Justice spoke giving us both a smile before walking off.

Rags to Riches II (Sequel to Rags to Riches)Where stories live. Discover now