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Od P.O.V
"Daddy, whatchu doin?" CeCe asked me as I did push-ups in our home gym.

"Push-ups," I told him with my mind feeling super cloudy and mushy. I don't feel like myself. I feel like I'm slipping.

I'm so close to breaking down. I don't know what's going on. Ro's dad died and that definitely put a strain on everything here. He would just stay in the room or in his office occupying himself when I was busy and when I wasn't he was lying on me. Then he unpacked all of his shit for our trip that we were supposed to go on a while ago. Today was Christmas Eve and we were supposed to be coming back now, but we never left.

He was so fucked up over his dad he didn't want to go anymore and I knew I needed a break, but he no longer wanted one. I couldn't go by myself and he needed me here. I hate that I couldn't go because this was the one chance I had to be alone with my husband and just...hopefully, figure out what was wrong with me. I'm losing my identity and that confidence that he worked so hard for me to have and that I worked hard for was now gone. I officially hated myself and I could see that no matter how much everyone else tried to make me not think like that I did. Also no matter how much everyone told me they loved me I knew it wasn't true. How could they?

"Can I do it?" She asked me as I shrugged doing 10 more before stopping and sitting down. "Watch this Daddy,"

I took a sip of my water and looked at the bottle zoning out making her groan.

"Daddy I said watch me!" She spoke louder as I just stared at the bottle lost. I could hear her, but I was still zoned out. "Daddy!"

"What?" I questioned looking at her.

"Watch me!" she yelled as I looked at her doing push-ups. She did ten before stopping and smiling at me. "I did it!"

"Yea, I saw," I replied sighing. She tried to give me a hug, but I stopped her before she got too close. "I was just working out. I'm mad sweaty,"

"You stink?" She asked me as I shrugged while she laughed like she was a comedian. "Daddy, can we go watch movies!?"

"Go watch 'em with yo sister," I told her as I stood up.

"I wanna do it wif you," she told me sadly as I sighed. "Nevermind...,"

She walked out of the room as I followed behind her so that I could go shower. I have been down here for a long ass time. I normally love Christmas, but I'm not feeling Christmas Eve this year.

She walked into her room and closed the door as I walked inside of mine seeing Calais sitting on the floor eating a bag of chips in the dark. I turned the lights on and looked at the bed seeing that Ro wasn't in there. So then why the fuck was he in here?

"Whatchu you doing in here?" I asked him as he looked at me cheesing hard. He stood up and ran over to me reaching up for me making me sigh. "I'm sweaty. Let me take a shower first gang. Where's yo poppa?"

He started whining making me roll my eyes and walk out of the room hearing him crying as he followed me. I walked into Ro's office and saw him sitting there with his head down on the desk.

"Ro, Can you grab him so I can shower?" I asked him as he looked up at me.

"Come here," he spoke looking at Calais who immediately started crying making Ro get up and grab him rubbing his back.

"You good?" I asked him as he nodded his head consoling a crying Calais. I walked back to the room and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once I was finished I put some lotion on and quickly got dressed before walking out of the room. I went back downstairs seeing Justice preparing plates for breakfast. Chocolate cherry pancakes, grits, hashbrowns, bacon, sausages, and coffee or juice.

Rags to Riches II (Sequel to Rags to Riches)Where stories live. Discover now