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Hellen clutched a styrofoam cup, the only source of coffee in the police station, while offering support to Stacy's mother, who gripped her hand. Initially, she felt like she had overreacted by calling the non-emergency line. Yet, here she was a few days later, consoling the parents of a missing young woman and feeling an overwhelming sense that she should've done more.

"I don't know, Bob," the woman said into the phone. Her husband, with his arm around her, also listened to the conversation.

"What did you say his name was?" Her husband asked Hellen in a whisper.

"David Long."

"David," the woman repeated into the phone. "David Long."

Hellen could hear a chipmunk-like voice on the other end, who she was and how she knew anything.

"I'm his boss," was all she could answer. She didn't have a strong enough reason other than that he rubbed her the wrong way. The only reason she called in the tip was because she thought Stacy was underage and wanted to protect a young, impressionable woman from someone like David. Even Hellen found it hard not to be captivated when a man that attractive spoke to her the way he did in the elevator.

"His boss," the woman repeated again. "And the police say they've been looking at him for months. This isn't the first time. Her call is what could give Stacy a fighting chance at survival."

Whatever composure the woman had in the moment broke as she finished her sentence. Hellen was equally shocked to hear that the police had been investigating David for so long—a man who seemed so normal. Her mind couldn't even comprehend that he had potentially killed nearly a dozen women. Hellen placed her hand on the woman's shoulder as she cried into her husband's arms. Regardless of how awkward it felt to be there, she needed to see this through. She needed to know that David, if guilty, was caught, and that Stacy was safe.

"Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to come with me." A police officer stood in front of them. The three of them looked up at the officer as others began moving in the background. The motions didn't go unnoticed.

"Did you find her?" The man questioned. "Is she alive?"

"Please come with me." The officer held a hand out to move the family away.

"I need to know if my baby is alive," the woman cried. "I'm not going anywhere until you answer me."

"I don't have any updates on your daughter at this time. Please come with me; we need to clear the area."

The scene turned chaotic as David was escorted into the building with handcuffs. Stacy's parents began yelling at him, both yelling over each other, threatening the man in front of them. Hellen understood why they were trying to escort the family away. Several officers came over to help calm Stacy's family as David made eye contact with Hellen. His eyes pierced through her, as if he knew she was the one who called in the tip, as if she was the one who ruined his life.

"Ma'am, you need to leave the area," a different officer came up to Hellen. "Please come with me.

"Sorry," Hellen mumbled as she attempted to gather her items.

She was escorted to a different part of the station, into an interrogation room, where she assumed she'd have to re-explain what made her make the call to begin with. Before they got into the questions, Hellen only had one question on her mind, "The girl? What happened to her?"

"They found her. Just in time too. You did the right thing calling us."  

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