Go Home

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The sound of tires caught Riley's attention before David heard them. He had been digging for hours, and she had been gnawing on an extra-special treat he dug up for her. It was unusual that anyone would've joined them at the cabin. While David always told Riley about his family, she'd never met them.

David glanced at Riley as her head perked up, the motion prompting him to survey the area. Riley stood up as the tires approached. Suddenly, lights flickered around them, and Riley started walking toward the commotion.

"Shit," David whispered. Riley heard a light snap and turned around to see David pointing to his side. She followed his command and stood at attention next to him. When he moved, she moved. He continued walking further into the forest, away from his car.

The sound of a car door indicated that someone joined them. Riley looked back, wanting to protect David from the possible intruder, but he quietly patted his leg and she continued to follow him without hesitation.

Additional voices echoed through the woods as David and Riley moved quickly and quietly through the darkness. When the voices turned into yelling, David started to run, and Riley ran with him, keeping pace. The once peaceful getaway surrendered to chaos as lights began flashing into the woods after them and from above.

After only moments sprinting in the darkness, David fell, unable to see the root sticking up from the ground below. Riley circled back to her owner.

"Go, girl," he whispered. Riley sat in front of her owner, not understanding the command. He tried again, "Go home."

Riley knew home and there were two homes for her. The first and most notable was the apartment, but they were far from that home. The second was the cabin, and they were only a few miles away. Riley circled, indicating that she understood David's request. Then, she licked his face, covered in salty sweat and tears. She continued to lick him, and he reached an arm up to pet her.

"Go home, girl" he said again. "I love you."

He patted her back twice and she took off, racing home amidst the chaos. When she made it to the cabin, she was tired and went to rest by the front door until David joined her. There was no access road to the cabin, so David and Riley often parked the car and walked together, but sometimes David let her off leash to get her energy out. Riley slept and waited, but it wasn't David who arrived. When Riley did finally hear noises, she saw strangers coming up to the cabin. Riley was used to strangers. If anything, a stranger was a new friend, and David often invited new friends over.

"Hi there, girl," one of them said. They shined a flashlight in her face before talking into a device on their shoulder. "We've found the cabin and the dog. We're going to need animal control."

They bent down and wiggled their fingers at Riley. She wanted cuddles, exhausted from her nighttime run, and trotted to the person, rolling over for belly rubs.

"Good, girl," they patted Riley's stomach and she wiggled for more. "Too bad your owner is looking at life in prison."   

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