Bad Girl

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"You're going to love her," David assured Stacy as he inserted the key into the lock to his apartment.

"I'm sure I will." Stacy leaned up against the wall, her eyes transfixed on him. Before opening the door, he returned his gaze to her. He wanted her just as much as it seemed she wanted him. He pushed his body against hers, and with her back against the wall, they shared another kiss, even more passionate than in the restaurant or in the car. His hands explored her body, feeling every inch of her under his fingertips as if she could vanish at any moment.

"Let's go inside." He pulled away, smiling at her, captivated by her beauty and body. After opening the door, he set his keys on the key ring hanging by the entryway. "I'm going to get Riley. Please, make yourself comfortable."

David hurried down the hallway as Stacy's fingertips touched the counter, taking in his apartment for the first time. He opened the door to his room, and Riley sat up in her crate.

"She's here, girl. She's finally here." He opened the crate, and Riley jumped on him, sharing the same excitement without fully understanding what she was excited about. Riley bounded down the hallway, zooming around in circles before realizing that someone else was in the room with them.

"Hello there," Stacy said to Riley, extending her arm slowly. Riley took the bait, sniffing her carefully before pouncing in front of her.

"She likes you." David smiled. He leaned against the hallway wall and stared at the two of them.

"And I like you." Stacy turned her attention back to David, taking control this time. She pushed her body against his with the same determination he showed at the doorway. Her hands reached down to unbuckle his belt when Riley came over and jumped on them.

"Just a second." David lifted a finger and grabbed a bone from a cabinet in the laundry room, handing it to Riley. As Riley took the bone and ran off, David grabbed Stacy's hand and guided her to the bedroom.

He slowly pulled up her dress and her body melted into his, letting him lead. David pushed her down on the bed, grabbed her hair, and bit her neck. His fingers slowly tracing the curves of her body.

"Oh David," she moaned. "Don't stop."

Their bodies entwined, giving in to a carnal urge that couldn't be contained. As he predicted, this moment was far better than anything he previously envisioned. Stacy was open to trying any position David guided her into, and her moans filled his body with a fiery passion. He felt her moving with him, begging for more with each thrust. In between rounds they'd cuddle and talk, just like a married couple.

"You know," she played with his hair while snuggling him under the covers. "I was talking with that new girl today and I wasn't sure how our date would turn out, but I'm glad it turned out like this."

"New girl?" David questioned. The only new person in his world was Hellen. His body heated up at the thought of her and even the moment they shared in the elevator earlier.

"Yeah, I think she works with your company. She was in line behind you the other day, the busy one."

"Hellen." He barely let the sound out, knowing that Hellen ruined every interaction he had with Stacy. He began to anticipate what Hellen could've possibly said to poison Stacy's mind. He grabbed her hair and pulled it tightly. She smiled at him, accepting his advance.

"Yeah, that's the one."

"And what did she say about me?" He kissed her exposed neck, roughly biting her, his body uncontrollable.

"Mmm." Her body writhed under his movements. "She told me to worry about a man like you."

"And are you worried about me?"

"Not at all."

"Don't let her get into your head." David began kissing her body, lower and lower.

"She's nice enough, probably just worried. It's girl code," Stacy tried to defend her. David couldn't take the thought of Stacy defending trash like Hellen, a woman who was so easily swayed by his wiles in the elevator telling a beautiful woman like Stacy to avoid him. If anything, she was jealous of Stacy, wanting David all to herself.

"Stop fucking talking about her." David pulled himself away from her.

"What the hell?" Stacy questioned as she sat upright. She reached for a blanket to cover her naked body. "Maybe I should go."

David took a deep breath. Fucking Hellen ruined his chances again. His mind began to wander to a dark place. He wouldn't let Stacy go. He couldn't. Stacy had stood up to grab her clothes and David grabbed her wrist.

"Let go of me." She pulled away.

"You're not leaving," David commanded. She screamed at the sudden realization that she was alone with a man she knew nothing about.

"David, David, no. Please no, I'm sorry."  

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