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"David, was it?" Her head tilted as she spoke to him, and David interpreted the gesture as condescension. Her heels clacked against the ground with each step she took to enter the elevator. "Nice to see you're feeling better."

"Thank you." David lifted his coffee cup, as if toasting her for the compliment.

The doors closed and the elevator slowly began its ascent. After a moment, Hellen looked at David. He met her gaze, wrathful desire filling his already electrified body.

"I see our paths keep crossing."

David felt the same way—a twist of fate pulling them into this confined space together. Each moment experienced with Stacy marred by an encounter with Hellen. Yet, David found himself enjoying the duality. Both desires ran wild in his mind and he'd never felt so alive. He wanted to tear Hellen's clothes off in the elevator and let his passion run wild; pull her hair, bite her earlobe, and strangle her neck.

David allowed a moment of silence to hang in the air before responding, "It seems the universe can't resist bringing us together. Or perhaps we just have the same taste in elevators."

Hellen arched an eyebrow. "If the universe is trying to tell us something, it's certainly doing a terrible job if it. Perhaps it's testing our resilience as a team in tight situations to see how we handle pressure."

While there was play on their future working together, David felt a sense of sarcasm and playfulness in her answer. It felt as though she hated David just as much as he hated her. But, while her desire might not be as dark as his, a part of her may also desire him just as much. If he weren't still riding the high of his interactions with Stacy, he wouldn't push the conversation, but he was horny, and Hellen had started it.

David leaned against the elevator wall and flashed Hellen a smile that showed off his dimples. "If the universe thinks we need more 'pressure tests,' I'm up for the challenge."

Hellen smirked. "I appreciate professionals who can handle pressure in all its forms."

He took a step closer, testing Hellen's response. Instead of moving away, Hellen faced him head-on. He admired her body; it was not as youthful or beautiful as Stacy's, yet alluring, nonetheless.

"Pressure like deadlines, right?" David winked.

David enjoyed watching Hellen squirm at his response. She nervously brushed her hand against her shirt, as if she were trying to rid an imaginary stain. The telltale crimson hue that tinged her cheeks betrayed her awareness that this kind of interaction with David was inappropriate. Despite her body's candid response, she cleared her throat, signaling her reluctance to bring their conversation to an end.

"I'm certainly excited to evaluate your performance. Let's hope you don't crack under pressure." Her words were laced with a subtle tease. She asserted her authority and confidence in a way that both aggravated and excited him.

David met Hellen's gaze with a smug smile, holding a spark of defiance. "Pressure only sharpens my edge, Hellen. We'll see who cracks first."

The intense desire in David reaches its peak. Forbidden tension hung in the air, leaving him with a hunger that couldn't be satisfied in the workplace. The doors slid open, breaking the spell that threatened to consume David. He was left grappling with a ravenous desire that he couldn't act upon. He slowly stepped into the bustling office, watching Hellen walk away, carrying the weight of untamed tension that had been unleashed.    

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