Go To Bed

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David felt a tingling in his stomach that he could only assume was the so-called butterflies as Stacy agreed to get drinks with him. They danced in the pit of his stomach and flew as high as his throat. He'd had this feeling before, of course; this wasn't the first woman he'd asked out, but this moment felt different. His emotions were on a rollercoaster from the day he had, and he found himself turned on by Stacy, more than he'd ever been when asking a woman out. Past moments flashed before his eyes, haunting him, as if he was asking them out all over again. He could see their faces in his memories, trace the contours of their bodies, hear them make sounds one only hears behind closed doors.

David's mind felt two forms of desire, coiled like serpents, each vying for dominance. The intoxicating allure and sexual desire, a yearning that ignited within him as he looked at Stacy. Even behind the baggy shirt she wore, he imagined her naked body waiting for him. Wanting him. Intertwined with the carnal desire was another insatiable loathing he felt for Hellen and the torment she put him through that hadn't yet subsided. It was a darker craving, one that he'd also felt before, that lurked in the recesses of his mind. In that moment, both of his desires coexisted, each feeding off the other, giving him the same excitement he'd often felt in the bedroom.

His arousal reminded him of his last love, a love gained and lost so quickly. They'd been together for six months before she tried to break up with him before moving for work. She was meant to come over for one more night. They craved each other, needing more and more. How could she leave him? Surely, she wouldn't want to if he fucked her good enough. In a moment of dominance, and in the shadows of twisted desires, one last time in the bedroom nurtured his darker impulses. Screams of pleasure and pain of a life he'd hidden since his twenties. David often felt a switch flick between the two types of desires, with rejection often serving as the catalyst. As he felt them both coursing through his veins, he was unable to tell which version of desire excited him more.

"Alright, Stacy," he murmured. His gaze locked onto hers with an intensity fueled by desire and a dark hunger. "One drink, as you wish. But who knows, perhaps one drink might lead to another." 

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