Chapter 5: The Snake Sin of Lust

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10 Years Ago

In the tower outside of the walls of Liones, two guards look at the body of the Grand Master of the holy knights, Zaratros, having multiple spears and swords in his body as blood drips from the spears and his armor.

Guard 1: Grand Master Zaratros...this is horrible...

Guard 2: How could this happen to the leader of the Holy Knights?

A boy with pink hair wearing a blue royal shirt with a red ribbon around the collar and grey pants stands behind the guards looking at the dead Zaratros.

Boy: Father...

The guards look at the boy in shock as they try to prevent him from entering the room.

Guard 1: Lord Gilthunder.

Guard 2: Please young master, you mustn't look!

Gilthunder try's to push through the guards as tears drop from his face as he looks at the body of his father.

Gilthunder: Who did this?! Who killed my father?!

Back in the present, Gilthunder in his armor looks out of a village from where a report of Y/N was sighted in while on horse back. A knight on another horse approaches him.

Knight: Sir, it seems they left the village and proceeded north with a bunch of wizards from the Fairy Tail Guild. 

Gilthunder: Is that so? He's aligned himself with the strongest guild in Fiore, now? 

Knight 2: Lord Gilthunder! Our scout has reported that they were spotted in Hargeon and took a boat heading south. We believe they are going on an S-Class. 

Gilthunder: I see. Galuna Island lies in that direction.

Knight 2: Yes. But sir, that place is...

Gilthunder turns his horse in the South direction and starts to ride off as the knights did the same and follows.

Gilthunder: (thoughts) Y/N...

*Galuna Island*

After being washed by a tidal wave to Galuna Island, the six started walking through the forest to find the village as well as the Sin of Lust.

Y/N was in the front while the group were behind him. Natsu and Gray were fighting and trash talking each other as Happy and Hawk are trying their best to separate them while Lucy and Elizabeth were closed by Y/N so that they don't get separated.

Elizabeth: Y/N, are you sure she is on this island? 

Y/N: I'm sure of it.

Hawk: (annoyed, sweat dropping) You better be right cause I don't know how much I can handle with flame boy and Ice breaker here.

Happy: I'm with Hawk as well. It's getting pretty tiring trying to stop this two from tearing each other apart.

Lucy: So, what do you know of her?

Y/N: Well for starters, she's the first member I've recruited in my team. She's a strong fighter as well as an incredible wizard who wields different types of magic.

Elizabeth: (surprised) Really, she's the first to join?

Lucy, Happy, Hawk and even Natsu and Gray were surprised by this as well. Considering they didn't know who was the first to join the Seven Deadly Sins.

The Sins of Fairy Tail: Fairy Tail x Male Reader x OC'sWhere stories live. Discover now