Chapter 7: The Cold Emperor

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Later, the darkness of the night sky has now fallen over The Island of Galuna as Y/N slowly woke up. He notice everyone was sleeping

Suddenly, any tiredness he had or concern for his nightmares quickly dissipated as the cavern began to shake.

Y/N: (stood up) What's going on?!

Natsu: Is it night yet?

Natsu jumped up as well; however, he seemed more concerned with actually doing something than the possibility of being buried alive.

Instead of falling rocks, a violent magic circle appeared on the cavern's ceiling and a purple light flowed downward, covering the frozen form of Deliora.

Lucy: It's a beam of light!

Cassandra: And it's shining down from the ceiling!

Y/N narrowed his eyes at the purple light, and realized.

Y/N: It looks like the cursed moonlight!

Happy: What's going on? I'm getting scared here, guys.

Gray: It's shining on Deliora!

Natsu: I don't think that's a coincidence.

Gray: Let's go! (waving them towards the exit) We need to find out where the light's coming from.

Happy: Aye.

The team ran to the temple and went up a flight of stairs, where they found another magic circle feeding more moonlight onto the floor, which was right above Deliora.

Hawk: Something crazy's gonna happen!

Elizabeth: Why would someone cast a magic circle inside this old temple?

Cassandra: I don't know, but let's check the roof. I'm sure we'll get some answers there.

The team headed up another flight of stairs, which exited on top of the temple. Once there, they found a circle of people, their features concealed by robes and masks.

The robed people didn't notice the group as they were focused on chanting some strange words to bring the purple moonlight into a column, which was then being sent via magic circles to bathe the frozen demon below the temple.

The robed people didn't notice the group as they were focused on chanting some strange words to bring the purple moonlight into a column, which was then being sent via magic circles to bathe the frozen demon below the temple

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The only thing that the wizards, the princess, and the Sins couldn't figure out was what they were doing, and why they were doing it.

Gray: The moon...

Natsu: It looks like those robed freaks are chanting some weird spell to collect the moonlight.

Cassandra: And shine it on Deliora.

Elizabeth: Looks like it, question is, why?

Lyra: It's an ancient spell, used to collect Moon Drip.

For some reason, she had not returned to the Spirit World.

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