Chapter 9: Erza vs Giltunder

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(I was originally planning on the Deliora battle with Ur's revival, but I got an idea from @ZebastianPR which might be interesting) 

Y/N had been on the receiving end of glares from dozens, if not hundreds of people over the years, whether they were from dragons, goddesses, his own kind, or from one of his enemies because he did something to anger them. As a result, the glare he got from Erza Scarlet barely got more than mild concern from him.

Y/N's Thoughts: Although, isn't the whole sword to my neck a bit extreme? 

He then Elizabeth and Hawk running to his direction.

Elizabeth: Sir Y/N, we heard a noise and-

Hawk: (sees Erza) AHHHH!!!! IT'S EEEERRRRZZZZAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

Erza: Y/N, Elizabeth Liones, Hawk, I do not care what your explanation is.

Y/N: (sarcasm) Aww, and here I was hoping we could sit down and have a nice, long, conversation about it and everything.

Elizabeth: Miss Erza, why are Lucy and Happy tied up? 

Erza: Lucy's got me up to speed with everything that's happened. I thought Gray was sent here to stop you fools, not join them. Needless to say, I'm disappointed.

Hawk: (sweat dropped) Jeez, is she really that high and mighty? 

Erza: You three are coming with me, we are going to find Natsu and Gray, and then we're going back to the guild.

Y/N: But we can't leave the island just yet! Gray is in terrible condition so he can't be moved. Natsu is lost somewhere in the jungle with an old friend of mine, and there's an evil wizard trying to resurrect a demon! If Lucy filled you in, then you know what these villagers are going through!

Erza: (glances at Y/N) And what would be your point? I came here solely of taking you all back and to apprehend these fools for breaking the rules of the guild. I'm not interested in anything other than that.

Y/N: Are you serious?! All you cared about is some stupid rules?! Have you even seen what's happened to the people on this island?!

Erza: I have.

Y/N: And you're just gonna turn your back on them?!

Erza: Their request is posted on the boards of every guild hall. The village would be better served by wizards who are cleared for S-Class. You are not a member of our guild or an S-Class wizard, there for you're not qualified.

Y/N: How can you be so heartless?!

Erza: (glares at him) What did you say?!

As cold as Erza acted, she was far from heartless; she did everything in her power to make sure that innocents were spared from pain and suffering.

However, the safety of her guild, her family, would always take precedence over the safety of strangers. If she had to live with guilt over that later, she would, but the guilt would be tempered by the knowledge that those she cared for were safe.

Hawk: You idiot!

Elizabeth: Sir Y/N, stop!

Happy: That's no way to speak to The Great Erza!

Lucy: You suck up.

Erza whipped her sword around and it pushed against Y/N's throat as she looked at him with a furious glare.

Erza: Have you chosen to defy me? You will face the same punishment. 

Elizabeth, Hawk, Lucy, and Happy were worried about Y/N for provoking Erza, but to everyone's shocked, he grabbed the sword with his hand and had a devilish smile.

The Sins of Fairy Tail: Fairy Tail x Male Reader x OC'sحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن